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Graduate Student Guide: Research Methods

The achievement of a minimum level of competence in political research methods is required of all graduate students in political science. The methodology curriculum is as follows:

Methodology Requirements - First Year Sequence for those starting August 2023 and later

Autumn Quarter

Soc 504
CS&SS 508

Applied Social Statistics, 3 cr.
Introduction to R for Social Scientists, 1 cr.

Winter Quarter

SOC 505

Applied Social Statistics, 3 cr.
one course from the list of Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Courses (does not need to be this quarter)

Spring Quarter

POLS 500

Political Research Design and Analysis, 5 cr.

Methodology Requirements - First Year Sequence for those starting August 2022 and earlier

Autumn Quarter

POLS 500

Political Research Design and Analysis

Winter Quarter

POLS 501

Advanced Political Research Design and Analysis

Spring Quarter

POLS 502


POLS 503

Qualitative Research Methods (502 or other accepted courses)


Advanced Quantitative Political Methodology
