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Center for Environmental Politics: Stephanie Pincetl, Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities, UCLA, “The Contentious Question of Urban Water Conservation in Southern California”

Friday, November 4, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
The Olson Room (Gowen Hall 1A)

Stephanie Pincetl is a Professor and founding Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities at the UCLA Institute of the Environment. Dr. Pincetl conducts research on environmental policies and governance is expert in bringing together interdisciplinary teams of researchers across the biophysical and engineering sciences with the social sciences to address problems of complex urban systems and environmental management. Her commitment is to science in the public interest and to conducting science that advances social and environmental justice. She conducts research on cities, how they impact resources far and near such as energy sources and energy distribution systems, and how such resources are used in cities, where, by whom, and to do what. She focuses on quantifying those flows, including urban generated wastes like greenhouse gases, and how institutions, regulations and rules shape the ways the flows are appropriated, and how cities are built (including infrastructures) and organized. She has created the first ever interactive energy web atlas that describes building energy use in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area ( She has conducted extensive California Energy Commission, Strategic Growth Council and County research on energy and sustainability, and has written extensively about California land use.
