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Research Seminars

Severyns Ravenholt Seminar in Comparative Politics

The Severyns Ravenholt Seminar in Comparative Politics (SR-SCP) brings together visiting speakers, faculty, and graduate students to discuss research on the forefront of comparative politics and political economy. The seminar generally meets three times a quarter, with a mix of presentations by visiting scholars and UW graduate students. All lectures are held on Fridays from 1:30-3:00 pm in The Olson Room (Gowen Hall 1A), unless otherwise noted.

For more information, please contact Nela Mrchkovska at

The SR-SCP is generously sponsored by the Severyns Ravenholt endowment.

About the Severyns Ravenholt Endowment and Call for Nominations

University of Washington International Security Colloquium

The University of Washington International Security Colloquium (UWISC) is the only academic colloquium devoted to international security in the Pacific Northwest. The Colloquium is interdisciplinary and open to the public and sponsors seven to nine domestic and international speakers, as well as speakers from UW faculty and students. 

All lectures are held on Fridays from 12:00-1:20 pm over Zoom, unless otherwise noted (Contact Megan Erickson via to access the Zoom link

UWISC is sponsored by the Severyns-Ravenholt Endowment, the Richard B. Wesley Graduate Student Fund for International Relations, the UW Political Science Department, and the Center for Global Studies at the Jackson School of International Studies.

Visit the UWISC website.

University of Washington Political Economy Forum

The Political Economy Forum at the University of Washington brings together diverse scholars and citizens interested in development, innovation and public policy.

The Forum is dedicated to increasing interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration between researchers working at the intersection(s) of political science, economics and public policy (broadly conceived). The Forum provides an opportunity for folks with common interests to interact across disciplinary boundaries. What we share in common are theoretical, methodological and policy interests that speak to important social, economic and political issues.

While the primary goal of the Forum is to bridge disciplinary divides and foster collaborative approaches to research, we are dedicated to the tenets of evidence based policy: informing collective decisions with facts, logic and evidence and undertaking cost benefit analysis.

Visit the UW Political Economy Forum website.

Duck Family Colloquium, Center for Environmental Politics

The Center for Environmental Politics organizes a monthly colloquium series on environmental politics, policy, and governance. This series is made possible by the generous support of Gary and Susan Duck, UW alumni and long-standing benefactors of the department. Susan passed away in December 2015 after a prolonged illness. We miss her a lot.

The Duck Family Colloquium Series is managed by graduate students. For 2021-2022, Inhwan Ko (Political Science Ph.D. Candidate) will serve as the Richard B. Wesley Fellow in Environmental Politics and Governance and the chair of the Duck Family Colloquium series. The Center will host the following seminars, as described below.

Visit the CEP web Colloquia website.
