On this page:
- Winter 2025 International Security List
- Winter 2025 Political Economy List
- Autumn 2024 International Security List
- Autumn 2024 Political Economy List
- Past Lists: Summer 2024 to Summer 2018
These lists are not all-inclusive and are subject to change.
Pol S majors may not have access to some courses.
See a Pol S adviser to petition courses not listed that you think are appropriate for the options.
Winter 2025 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: Pol S Majors only Period 1, some quizzes RELIG 307: None |
POL S 331 | MID EAST N AFRICA | POL S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 332 | COMP POL TOPICS Topic: How Do Autocrats Rule? |
POL S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 336 JSIS B 336 |
POLITICAL VIOLENCE | POL S 336: Pol S majors only. |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
US-CHINA RELATIONS | POL S 419: Pol S Majors only. Juniors & seniors only. JSIS A 459: None |
A S 212 | AIR & SPACE PWR II | Prerequisite: A S 101 or A S 102 or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Concurr registration in A S 250 req'd. |
A S 432 | AEROSPACE STDYS 400 | Prerequisite: A S 333. Concurr registration in A S 250 req'd. |
HSTAS 254 JSIS A 254 |
JSIS A 265 HSTAS 265 |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Winter 2025 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
INTRO LABOR STUDIES | POL S 249: Pol S Majors only Period 1 HSTCMP 249: None SOC 266: None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: Pol S Majors only Period 1, some quizzes RELIG 307: None |
POL S 342 JSIS A 342 |
LATIN AMERICA POL | POL S 342: Pol S Majors only JSIS A 342: None |
ANTH 345 GWSS 345 JSIS B 345 |
WOMEN INTL ECON DEV | ANTH: Anth majors only Period 1 GWSS: None JSIS B: None |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACROECON | Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only Period 1 GO TO HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
ECON 451 | PUB FIN: TAX POLICY | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 ECON majors only. |
ECON 471 | INTERNATIONAL TRADE | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 ECON Majors only Period 1. Open to non-majors Periods 2 & 3. Add code required Period 3. Instructor's Add code policy: https://depts.washington.edu/teclass/overloads.html |
ECON 472 | INTERNATL FINANCE | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 ECON Majors only Period 1. Open to non-majors Periods 2 & 3. Add code required Period 3. Instructor's Add code policy: https://depts.washington.edu/teclass/overloads.html |
ECON 491 | ISSUES ECON DEVELOP | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 ECON Majors only |
JSIS B 330 | INTL POL ECON | Prerequisite: JSIS 201 which may be taken concurrently; either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123 any of which may be taken concurrently. CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR FOR AN ADD CODE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE PRE-REQ COURSES. DDAS64@UW.EDU |
JSIS B 331 | POL ECON OF DEVELOP | Prerequisite: JSIS 201 which may be taken concurrently; either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123 any of which may be taken concurrently. CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR FOR AN ADD CODE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE PRE-REQ COURSES. DDAS64@UW.EDU |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2024 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
* POL S 321 | AMER FOREIGN POLICY | POL S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 420 JSIS A 420 |
POSTSOVIET SECURITY | POL S 420: POL S majors only, Juniors and Seniors only JSIS A 420: None |
ANTH 497 LSJ 425 |
US ASYLM & RFUG LAW | ANTH 497: ANTH majors only Period 1 LSJ 425: LSJ majors only Periods 1 & 2 |
A S 211 | AIR & SPACE PWR I | PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
N SCI 321 | EVOL OF WARFARE | Section A: None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Autumn 2024 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
** POL S 270 | INTRO TO POL ECON | POL S majors only period 1 |
POL S 335 | POL ECONOMY TOPICS | POL S majors only period 1 |
POL S 409 ECON 409 |
UNDERG SEM-POL ECON | POL S 409: POL S majors only. Juniors & Seniors only ECON 409: ECON majors only. |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1 PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 |
INTERMED MACRO-ECON | ECON majors only Period 1 Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 450 |
PUB FIN: EXPEND POL | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. |
JSIS B 331 | POL ECON OF DEVELOP | Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2024 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
* POL S 203 | INTRO INTERNATL REL | B-Term | None |
* POL S 321 | AMER FOREIGN POLICY | Full-Term | None |
POL S 325 | ARAB-ISRL CONFLICT | Full-Term | None |
POL S 336 JSIS B 336 |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Summer 2024 Political Economy Courses
Course # | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
** POL S 270 | INTRO TO POL ECON | Full-Term | None |
POL S 325 | ARAB-ISRL CONFLICT | Full-Term | None |
ECON 200 | INTRO MICROECON | Full-Term | None |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICROECON | Full-Term | PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1 PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | Full-Term | ECON majors only Period 1 Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2024 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 321* | AMER FOREIGN POLICY | POL S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 331 | MID EAST N AFRICA | POL S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 348 JSIS A 348 |
EU AS GLOBAL ACTOR | POL S 348: Pol S Majors only Period 1 JSIS A 348: None |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
GLOBAL CRIME & CORRUPT | POL S 371: Pol S Majors only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
US-CHINA RELATIONS | POL S 419: Pol S Majors, all Periods. Juniors & seniors only. JSIS A 459: None |
POL S 425 | POLITCL PSYCH & WAR | POL S Majors only, all Periods. Juniors & seniors only. |
POL S 430 | CIVIL-MILI RELATION | POL S Majors only, all periods. Juniors & seniors only. |
A S 213 | AIR & SPACE PWR III | PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 103, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 433 | AEROSPACE STDY 400: III | PREREQUISITE: A S 333. Concurr reg in A S 250 req'd. |
HSERV 415 G H 415 |
JSIS A 464 SOC 464 |
CONTEMP SOCIETY PRC | JSIS A 464: None JSIS A 459: SOC Majors only Period 1. Seniors only Period 1 |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Spring 2024 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 362 | DATA TECH DEV AFRICA | POL S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 371 | GLOBL CRIME & CORRUP | POL S Majors only Period 1 |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
ECON 235 ENVIR 235 ESRM 235 |
INTRO ENVIRO ECON | ECON 235: None ENVIR 235: ENVIR Majors only Period 1 ESRM 235: ESRM Majors only Period 1 |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1 PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | ECON majors only Period 1 Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 431 | GOVT & BUSINESS | ECON Majors only, All Periods |
ECON 471 | INTERNATIONAL TRADE | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON majors only Period 1. Visit instructor website for add code policy. |
ECON 472 | INTERNATIONAL FINANCE | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON majors only Period 1. Visit instructor website for add code policy. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2024 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 407* | INTERNATL CONFLICT | Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: Pol S Majors only Period 1, some quizzes RELIG 307: None |
POL S 349 | STRATEGY & WAR | Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
WORLD POLITICS | POL S 426: Pol S Majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. JSIS B 426: No Freshmen |
POL S 430 LSJ 431 |
CIVIL-MILI RELATION | POL S 430: Pol S Majors only. Juniors & seniors only. LSJ 431: LSJ Majors only. |
POL S 436 JSIS B 436 |
ETHNIC POLITICS | POL S 436: Pol S Majors only. Juniors & seniors only. JSIS B 436: None |
A S 212 | AIR & SPACE PWR II | PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 103, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 432 | AEROSPACE STDYS 400 | PREREQUISITE: A S 333. Concurr reg in A S 250 req'd. |
HSTAS 254 JSIS A 254 |
HSTAS 265 JSIS A 265 |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Winter 2024 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
INTRO LABOR STUDIES | POL S 249: Pol S Majors only Period 1 HSTCMP 249: None SOC 266: None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: Pol S Majors only Period 1, some quizzes RELIG 307: None |
POL S 476 | INTRO GAME THEORY | Pol S Majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | No Seniors Period 1 PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1 PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | ECON majors only Period 1 Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | INTERNATIONAL TRADE | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON majors only Period 1. Visit instructor website for add code policy. This course opens for non-Econ majors to enroll during Periods 2 & 3. |
ECON 472 | INTERNATL FINANCE | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON majors only Period 1. Visit instructor website for add code policy. This course opens for non-Econ majors to enroll during Periods 2 & 3. |
ECON 491 | ISSUES IN ECON DEVELOP | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON Majors only. |
JSIS B 330 | INTL POL ECON | PREREQUISITE: JSIS 201 which may be taken concurrently; either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123 any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 345 ANTH 345 GWSS 345 |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2023 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
INTO HUMAN RIGHTS | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Autumn 2023 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 270** | INTRO TO POL ECON | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
POL S 335 | POL ECONOMY TOPICS "The Political Economy of Capitalism, Dictatorship & Democracy" |
New course to be added to the schedule. Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | No Seniors Period 1 PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1 PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | ECON majors only Period 1 Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
JSIS A 473 | POL ECON JAPAN | None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2023 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Term | Instruction | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | INTRO INTERNATL REL | B | Synchronous online | None |
POL S 321* | AMER FOREIGN POLICY | FULL | Asynchronous online | No freshmen |
POL S 325 | ARAB-ISRL CONFLICT | FULL | Asynchronous online | None |
POL S 336 | POLITICAL VIOLENCE | A | Asynchronous online | None |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
INTL HUMAN RIGHTS | FULL | Synchronous online | None |
PHIL 407 | INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE | A | On campus | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Summer 2023 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Term | Instruction | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 270** | INTRO TO POL ECON | FULL | Synchronous online | None |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
INTRO LABOR STUDIES | B | Asynchronous online | None |
POL S 325 | ARAB-ISRL CONFLICT | FULL | Asynchronous online | None |
ECON 200** | INTRO MICROECON | FULL | See MyPlan | None |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | FULL | On Campus | ECON,PREMAJ,PSOCS,EPRMJ,PRESCI,PREHUM majors only Period 1 No seniors Period 1 PREREQUISITE: Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ESRM 235 | INTRO ENVIRON ECON | A | Hybrid | None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2023 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 331 | MID EAST N AFRICA | POL S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 348 JSIS A 348 |
EU AS GLOBAL ACTOR | POL S 348: POL S majors only Period 1 JSIS A 348: None |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
GLOBL CRIME & CORRUP | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 432 JSIS B 406 |
POLITICAL ISLAM | POL S majors only Period 1 |
A S 213 | AIR & SPACE PWR III | PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
HSERV 415 G H 415 |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Spring 2023 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | INTRO MICROECON | None |
POL S 335 | POL ECONOMY TOPICS Political Institutions, Culture and Strategy |
Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
GLOBL CRIME & CORRUP | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 442 JSIS A 408 |
GOVT & POL-CHINA | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 409 ECON 409 |
UNDERGRAD SEM-POL ECON Political Economy from Great Recession to Pandemic |
POL S 409: Pol S majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. ECON 409: Econ majors only. |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | PREREQUISITES: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134 or MATH 145. PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY for add code information. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | PREREQUISITES: Econ 201; 2.0 in Econ 300. ECON majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
ECON 451 | PUB FIN: TAX POLICY | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 300. ECON majors only. |
ECON 491 | ISSUES ECON DEVELOP | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. ECON majors only. |
ANTH 345 GWSS 345 JSIS B 345 |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2023 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: POL S majors only Period 1 RELIG 307: None |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
INTL HUMAN RIGHTS | POL S 368: POL S majors only Period 1 LSJ 320: None |
POL S 407 | INTERNATL CONFLICT | POL S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 425 | POLITCL PSYCH & WAR | POL S majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. |
POL S 426 | WORLD POLTICS | POL S majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
POL S 436 JSIS B 436 |
ETHNIC POLITICS | POL S majors only Period 1 |
A S 212 | AIR & SPACE PWR II | PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 103, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 432 | AEROSPACE STDYS 400 | PREREQUISITE: A S 333. Concurr reg in A S 250 req'd. |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None |
PHIL 407 | INTERNATIONL JUSTICE | PREREQUISITE: one course in philosophy. PHIL majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Winter 2023 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | INTRO MICROECON | None |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
INTRO LABOR STUDIES | POL S 249: Pol S majors only Period 1 HSTCMP 249: None SOC 266: None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
RELIG & WORLD POL | POL S 307: Pol S majors only Period 1 RELIG 307: None |
POL S 362 JSIS A 362 |
None |
POL S 409 ECON 409 |
UNDERGRAD SEM-POL ECON Political Economy of Culture |
POL S 409: Pol S majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. ECON 409: Econ majors only. |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
WORLD POLITICS | POL S 426: Pol S majors only. No Freshmen. JSIS B 426: No Freshmen. |
ECON 300 | INTERMED MICRO-ECON | PREREQUISITES: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134 or MATH 145. PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY for add code information. |
ECON 301 | INTERMED MACRO-ECON | PREREQUISITES: Econ 201; 2.0 in Econ 300. ECON majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
ECON 451 | PUB FIN: TAX POLICY | PREREQUISITE: minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 300. ECON majors only. |
HSTCMP 408 JSIS B 408 |
JSIS B 330 | INTL POL ECON | None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2022 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Pol S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 321* | American Foreign Policy | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
Pol S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | Pol S 368: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 LSJ 320: None |
Pol S 425 | Political Psychology and War | Juniors, Seniors Only. Pol S Majors Only. |
Pol S 430 LSJ 431 |
Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | Pol S Majors Only. Juniors & Seniors Only. |
Anth 497 LSJ 425 |
Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U.S. Asylum and Refugee Law | Anth 497: Anth majors only Period 1. LSJ 425: LSJ majors only. Add code required Periods 2 and 3. |
A S 211 | Evolution of Air and Space Power | ROTC students or permission of instructor. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
A S 431 | Aerospace Studies 400 | ROTC students or permission of instructor. PREREQUISITE: A S 333. |
HSTCMP 215 | History of the Atomic Bomb | None |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
The Cold War | None |
JSIS A 430 | The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse | None |
JSIS B 355 | Cybersecurity | Add code required. |
N Sci 321 | Evolution of Warfare | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Autumn 2022 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
Pol S 335A | Topics in Political Economy "The Political Economy of Capitalism, Dictatorship & Democracy" |
Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
Pol S 409A Econ 409A |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy: "Political Economy of Property Rights, Regulation and Innovation" |
Pol S 409A: Pol S Majors Period 1. Econ 409A: Econ Majors Only. |
Pol S 476 | Introduction to Game Theory for Political Economy Research | Pol S Majors Only. Add Code Required. PREREQUISITE: Econ 200, 201. Recommended: Econ 300, Math 124. |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, EPRMJ, PSOCS, PREMAJ, PRESCI majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
Econ 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. HTTPS://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
Econ 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. HTTPS://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. HTTPS://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD- CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
Econ 491 | Issues in Economic Development | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
JSIS 222 | Global Markets, Local Economies | None |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | PREREQUISITES: JSIS 201, and either ECON 201, GEOG 123, or JSIS 123 any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2022 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | B Term | None |
Pol S 321* | American Foreign Policy | Full Term Asynchronous |
No freshmen |
Pol S 325 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | Full Term Asynchronous |
None |
Pol S 368 LSJ 320 |
The Politics and Law of International Human Rights | Full Term Synchronous, lecture recordings posted on Canvas |
None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Summer 2022 Political Economy Courses
For 400-level Econ courses, see the Economics Department's Add Code Policies, https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy
Course# | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | A Term | None |
Pol S 249 HSTCMP 249 Soc 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | B Term Asynchronous |
None |
Pol S 325 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | Full Term Asynchronous |
None |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | Full Term | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | Full Term | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Full Term | Opens to all majors starting Period 2 Prerequisite: either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134 or MATH 145. |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Full Term | Opens to all majors starting Period 2. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ESRM 235 | Introduction to Environmental Economics | A Term | None |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy | Full Term | None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2022 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | Pol S 371: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
Pol S 419 JSIS A 459 |
U.S.-China Relations | Pol S 419: Pol S Majors Only Period 1. No Freshmen. JSIS A 459: No Freshmen. |
Pol S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics |
Pol S 419: Pol S Majors Only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
A S 213 | The Evolution of Air & Space Power III |
PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, 102 or 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400 | PREREQUISITE: A S 333 ROTC Students only or permission of the instructor |
G H 415 HSERV 415 |
War and Health | None |
HSTAA 212 | The Military History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present | None |
HSTAS 244 JSIS A 244 |
Imperialism & Anti-Colonialism in Asia | None |
HSTCMP 269 JEW ST 269 |
The Holocaust: History and Memory | None |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
The Cold War: Realities, Myths, and Legacies | None |
JSIS A 468 | Russia & The International System | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Spring 2022 Political Economy Courses
For 400-level Econ courses, see the Economics Department's Add Code Policies, https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Pol S 320 JSIS B 310 |
State Society Relations in Third World Countries | Pol S 320: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 JSIS B 310: None |
Pol S 335A | Topics in Political Economy: Political Economy of Institutions, Culture & Strategy | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
Pol S 335B | Topics in Political Economy: Data, Technology & Development in Africa |
Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
Pol S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | Pol S 371: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
Pol S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | Pol S 426: Pol S Majors Only Period 1. No Freshmen JSIS B 426: No Freshmen. |
ECON 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
Economics of Fisheries & Oceans | None |
ECON 235 ENVIR 235 ESRM 235 |
Introduction to Environmental Economics | None |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. PREMAJ,PSOCS,EPRMJ,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1. HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only Period 1 HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of International Trade and Finance | None |
JSIS B 385 | Industry & The State | PREREQUISITE: JSIS 200; JSIS 201. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2022 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
Religion and World Politics | POL S 307: POL S majors only Period 1. RELIG 307: None |
POL S 331 | Government and Politics in the Middle East & North Africa | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 349 | Strategy & War | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 407 | International Conflict | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | POL S majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. |
POL S 430 LSJ 431 |
Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | POL S 430: POL S majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. LSJ 431: LSJ majors only. Juniors and Seniors only. |
A S 212 | The Evolution of Air and Space Power II | Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Restricted to ROTC students or by permission of instructor. |
A S 432 | Aerospace Studies 400 | Prerequisite: A S 333. Restricted to ROTC students or by permission of instructor. |
HSTAS 265 JSIS A 265 |
The Viet Nam Wars | None |
HSTEU 234 | History of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust | None |
JSIS A 416 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Winter 2022 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | POL S 249: Pol S majors only Period 1. HSTCMP 249: None SOC 266: None |
POL S 285 | Political Science as a Social Science: Understanding Politics through Research and Data | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
Religion and World Politics | POL S 307: POL S majors only Period 1. RELIG 307: None |
POL S 326 SCAND 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | POL S 326: POL S majors only Period 1. SCAND 326: None |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. PREMAJ,PSOCS,EPRMJ,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1. HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only Period 1 HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION |
ECON 451 | Public Finance: Tax Policy | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION. |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
HSTCMP 409 JSIS B 408 |
Topics in the History of Capitalism | None. |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy | PREREQUISITES: JSIS 201, and either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123. May be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 345 ANTH 345 GWSS 345 |
Women and International Economic Development |
JSIS B 345: None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2021 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 321* | American Foreign Policy | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
Pol S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | Pol S 368: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 LSJ 320: None |
Pol S 430 LSJ 431 |
Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | Pol S Majors Only. Juniors & Seniors Only. |
Anth 497 LSJ 425 |
Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U.S. Asylum and Refugee Law | Anth 497: Anth majors only Period 1. LSJ 425: LSJ majors only. Add code required Periods 2 and 3. |
A S 211 | Evolution of Air and Space Power | ROTC students or permission of instructor. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
A S 431 | Aerospace Studies 400 | ROTC students or permission of instructor. PREREQUISITE: A S 333. |
HSTAS 254 | Modern China: Three Revolutions | None |
JSIS A 416 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | None |
JSIS A 430 | The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse | None |
N Sci 321 | Evolution of Warfare | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Autumn 2021 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
Pol S 335 | Topics in Political Economy "The Political Economy of Capitalism, Dictatorship & Democracy" |
Pol S Majors only Period 1 |
Pol S 409A Econ 409A |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy "Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations" |
Pol S 409A: Pol S Majors Only. Add code required from Prof. Gill, tgill@uw.edu. Econ 409A: Econ Majors Only |
Pol S 409B Econ 409B |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy "Political Economy of Property Rights, Regulation & Innovation" |
Pol S 409A: Pol S Majors Only Econ 409A: Econ Majors Only |
Pol S 442 JSIS A 408 |
Government & Politics of China | Pol S 442: Pol S Majors Only Period 1. No Freshmen. JSIS A 408: No Freshmen |
Pol S 474 | Politics of Economic Policy | Pol S Majors Only Period 1 |
Pol S 476 | Introduction to Game Theory for Political Economy Research | Pol S Majors Only. PREREQUISITE: Econ 200, 201. Recommended: Econ 300, Math 124. |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, EPRMJ, PSOCS, PREMAJ, PRESCI majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
Econ 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. |
Econ 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. For add code information, go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/UNDERGRAD/COURSES-REGISTRATION/ |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. For add code information, go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/UNDERGRAD/COURSES-REGISTRATION/ |
Geog 208 | Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets | None |
JSIS 222 | Global Markets, Local Economies | None |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy | PREREQUISITES: JSIS 201, and either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123. May be taken concurrently. |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2021 International Security Courses
Course # | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | A | None |
Pol S 321* | American Foreign Policy | Full | No Freshmen |
Pol S 325 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | Full | None |
Pol S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | Full | None |
HSTAS 265 JSIS A 265 |
The Viet Nam Wars | A | None |
HSTCMP 346 | Images of War in History, Literature, and Media | B | None |
HSTEU 252 | The Bloodlands: East Central Europe Under Hitler and Stalin | Full | None |
JSIS B 311 | Myth of War | Full | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Summer 2021 Political Economy Courses
Course# | Title | Term | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | Full | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | Full | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 249 HSTCMP 249 Soc 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | B | None |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | Full | None |
Pol S 325 | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | Full | None |
Pol S 384 Envir 384 |
Global Environmental Politics | Full | None |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Full | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, EPRMJ, PSOCS, PREMAJ, PRESCI majors only Period 1 |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Full | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
ESRM 235 | Introduction to Environmental Economics | A | None |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy | Full | None |
** Required course for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2021 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
POL S 368 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | POL S 368: Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1. JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 407* | International Conflict | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
United States-China Relations | POL S 419: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS A 459: None |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | Pol S majors only. Juniors, Seniors only |
POL S 430 | Civil-Military Relations in Democracies |
Pol S majors only. Juniors, Seniors only |
A S 213 | The Evolution of Air & Space Power III |
PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, 102 or 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400 | PREREQUISITE: A S 333 ROTC Students only or permission of the instructor |
G H 415 HSERV 415 |
War & Health | None |
HSTAA 212 | The Military History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present | None |
HSTAFM 463 | Modern Persian Gulf | None |
HSTAS 254 |
Modern China: Three Revoluations | None |
JSIS 487A | Special Topics in Middle Eastern Studies: Oil and the Gulf: Fueling Business, Politics, and Security in the Middle East and Beyond | None. Approved for spring 2021 only. |
JSIS A 468 | Russia & The International System | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Spring 2021 Political Economy Advanced Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 320 JSIS B 310 |
State-Society Relations in Third World Countries | Pol S 320: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 310: None DIV and W course. |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 409A ECON 409B |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy: Political Economy from the Great Recession to the Pandemic |
POL S 409A: Pol S majors only; Juniors, Seniors only Econ 409B: Econ majors only; Juniors, Seniors only |
POL S 409B |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy: Political Economy of Property Rights, Regulation, and Innovation | POL S 409A: Pol S majors only; Juniors, Seniors only Econ 409B: Econ majors only; Juniors, Seniors only |
POL S 437 SCAND 437 |
Politics in Scandinavia | POL S 437: Pol S majors only Period 1 SCAND 437: None |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
Economics of Fisheries & Oceans | None |
ECON 235 ENVIR 235 ESRM 235 |
Introduction to Environmental Economics | ECON 235: None ENVIR 235: Envir majors only Period 1 ESRM 235: ESRM majors only Period 1 |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
ECON 431 | Government and Business |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 451 | Public Finance: Tax Policy | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only |
ECON 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan |
None |
JSIS B 385 | Industry & The State |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2021 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
Religion & World Politics | Pol S 307: POL S majors only Period 1. RELIG 307: None |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 328 | International Organizations | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 349 | Strategy & War | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 423 JSIS A 415 |
National Security of Japan | POL S 423: POL S majors only Period 1. JSIS A 415: None |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | Pol S 426: POL S majors only Period 1. No freshmen JSIS B 426: None |
POL S 430 LSJ 431 |
Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | POL S 430: POL S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. LSJ 431: LSJ majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
HSTAS 265 JSIS A 265 |
The Viet Nam Wars | None |
HSTEU 234 | History of Nazi Germany & the Holocaust | None |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2021 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
POL S 307 RELIG 307 |
Religion & World Politics | POL S 307: POL S majors only Period 1 RELIG 307: None |
POL S 326 SCAND 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | POL S 326: POL S majors only Period 1. SCAND 326: None |
POL S 409 ECON 409 |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy "The Political Economy of Culture" |
Enrollment by add code only |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | POL S 426: POL S majors only Period 1. JSIS B 426: None |
POL S 474 | Government & The Economy | POL S majors only Period 1. No freshmen. |
POL S 476 | POL S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. | |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
ECON 472A ECON 472B |
International Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | PREREQUISITE: Either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. No major restriction. |
ANTH 345 |
Women and International Economic Development |
ANTH 345: ANTH majors only Period 1 |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2020 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 447 | Advanced Seminar in Comparative Politics "International Negotiation Simulation" |
To be added to the Autumn 2020 schedule. Pol S Majors Only. |
Anth 497 LSJ 425 |
US Asylum & Refugee Law | None. Anth 497: Anth majors only until 6/22. LSJ 425: LSJ majors only. |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
The Cold War: Realities, Myths, and Legacies | None |
JSIS A 323 | US-Latin American Relations | None |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire | None |
JSIS B 355 | Cybersecurity | None |
JSIS B 429 |
Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards | None |
A S 211 |
Evolution of Air and Space Power |
PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, 102 or 103, any of which may be taken |
A S 431 |
Aerospace Studies I | PREREQUISITE: A S 213. ROTC students only or permission of instructor. |
N SCI 321 |
Evolution of Warfare I | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2020 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
Pol S 335 | Topics in Political Economy "The Political Economy of Capitalism, Dictatorship & Democracy" |
None |
Pol S 442 JSIS A 408 |
Government and Politics of China | Pol S 442: Pol S majors only until 6/22. JSIS A 408: None |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. |
Econ 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 |
Econ 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/UNDERGR AD/COURSES-REGISTRATION/ FOR ADD CODE INFORMATION.. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
GEOG 208 | Geography of World Economy |
None |
GEOG 236 JSIS A 236 |
Development & Challenge in Greater China |
Geog 236: Freshmen only Period 2 |
HSTCMP 408 JSIS B 408 |
None |
JSIS 222 | Global Markets, Local Economies |
None |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy |
PREREQUISITE: Either Econ 201, Geog 123, or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development |
PREREQUISITE: Either Econ 201, Geog 123, or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2020 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | A-Term | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 321* | Full Term | American Foreign Policy | None. Group start online course. |
Pol S 325 | Full Term | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
Pol S 407* | Full Term | International Conflict | None |
Pol S/JSIS B 436 | A-Term | Ethnic Politics | None. Pol S majors only Period 1. |
GEOG/JSIS B 375 | A-Term | Geopolitics | None |
HSTAS/JSIS A 265 | B-Term | The Viet Nam Wars | None |
HSTEU/JSIS A 252 | Full Term | The Bloodlands: East Central Europe Under Hitler and Stalin | None |
JSIS B 311 | B-Term | Myth of War | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Summer 2020 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Full Term | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Full Term | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Econ/ESRM/Envir 235 | A-Term | Introduction to Environmental Economics | None |
Econ 300 | Full Term | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, EPRMJ, PSOCS, PREMAJ, PRESCI majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Full Term | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
Econ 451 | A-Term | Public Finance: Tax Policy | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. |
GWSS/JSIS B 333 | Full Term | Gender and Globalization | None |
POL S/HSTCMP 249/SOC 266 | B-Term | Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
Pol S 270** | Full Term | Introduction to Political Economy | None. |
POL S 325 | Full Term | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
POL S 384 |
Full Term | Global Environmental Politics | None. |
POL S 442 |
B-Term | Government and Politics of China | None |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2020 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
POL S 337 |
Collective Violence and the State | POL S 337: Pol S majors only Period 1. JSIS B 337: None |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1. JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
United States-China Relations | POL S 419: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS A 459: None |
A S 213 | The Evolution of Air & Space Power III |
PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, 102 or 103, any of which may be taken concurrently |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400 | PREREQUISITE: A S 333 ROTC Students only or permission of the instruc |
G H 415 HSERV 415 |
War & Health | None |
HSTAA 212 | The Military History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present | None |
HSTAFM 314 JSIS A 314 |
History of Modern Israel | None |
HSTAFM 463 | Modern Persian Gulf | No auditors |
HSTAS 244 JSIS A 244 |
Imperialism & Anti-Colonialism in Asia | None |
JSIS A 468 | Russia & The International System | None |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction: Development, Deployment & Detection | No graduate students. |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | None |
* Required course for the International Security Option
Spring 2020 Political Economy Advanced Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
Pol S 335 | Topics in Political Economy: The Political Economy of Capitalism, Dictatorship & Democracy | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | POL S 371: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 371: None |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | POL S 426: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 426: |
POL S 437 SCAND 437 |
Politics in Scandinavia | POL S 437: Pol S majors only Period 1 SCAND 437: None |
POL S 474 |
Government & The Economy |
Pol S majors Period 1. |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
Economics of Fisheries & Oceans | None |
ECON 235 ENVIR 235 ESRM 235 |
Introduction to Environmental Economics | ECON 235: None ENVIR 235: Envir majors only Period 1 ESRM 235: ESRM majors only Period 1 |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Non-majors may register for any available space during Period 2. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development |
PREREQUISITE: Either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 385 | Industry & The State |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2020 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 347 LSJ 347 |
Politics of International Law | Pol S 347: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 LSJ 347: None |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Religion & World Affairs | Pol S 307: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 Relig 307: None |
Pol S 432 JSIS B 406 |
Political Islam | Pol S 432: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 JSIS B 406: None |
Pol S 436 JSIS B 436 |
Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies | Pol S 436: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 JSIS B 436: No Freshmen Period 1 or 3 |
HSTAS 254 JSIS A 254 |
Modern China: Three Revolutions | None |
HSTEU 234 | History of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust | None |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None |
Phil 407 | International Justice | No Freshmen |
A S 212 | The Evolution of Air and Space Power II | ROTC students only or instructor permission. PREREQUISITE: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
A S 432 | Aerospace Studies 400 | ROTC students only or instructor permission. PREREQUISITE: A S 333. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2020 Political Economy Advanced Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Religion and World Politics | Pol S 307: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 Relig 307: None |
Pol S 326 Scand 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | Pol S 326: Pol S Majors Only Period 1 Scand 326: None |
Pol S 427 | International Political Economy | Pol S Majors Only |
Pol S 460 | Political Economy of the European Union | Pol S Majors Only |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. |
Econ 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy |
Econ majors only. |
Econ 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of International Trade and Finance | Add code required |
JSIS B 345 |
Women and International Economic Development | None |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2019 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | None. |
HSTAS 265 |
The Viet Nam Wars | None. |
HSTCMP 215 | History of the Atomic Bomb | None. |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
The Cold War: Realities, Myths, and Legacies | None. |
HSTEU 376 | Modern Irish History | None. |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire | None. |
JSIS A 493 | Water and Security in the Middle East | None. |
JSIS B 355 | Cybersecurity | Add code required. |
JSIS B 429 |
Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards | None. |
A S 211 |
Evolution of Air and Space Power | PREREQUISITE: Either A S 101, 102 or 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Restricted to ROTC students only of by permissin of instructor. |
A S 431 |
Aerospace Studies I | PREREQUISITE: A S 213. ROTC students only or permission of instructor. |
N SCI 321 |
Evolution of Warfare I | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2019 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
Pol S 409A Econ 409A |
Pol Econ Seminar: Political Economy of Property Rights, Regulation & Innovation | Juniors, Seniors only. Pol S majors only. |
Pol S 409B Econ 409B |
Pol Econ Seminar: the Poiitical Economy of Adam Smith | Pol S majors only. Add Code required. |
Pol S 442 JSIS A 408 |
Government and Politics of China | Pol S major only until 6/24. |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. |
Econ 431 | Government and Business |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
Econ 471 | International Trade |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
GEOG 208 | Geography of World Economy |
None. |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan |
None. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development |
PREREQUISITE: Either Econ 201, Geog 123, or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Summer 2019 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | A | Introduction to International Relations | None |
Pol S 321* | Full | American Foreign Policy | None. Group start online course. |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Full | Religion and World Politics | None |
Pol S 325 | Full | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
Pol S 436 JSIS B 436 |
A | Ethnic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Socieites | None |
HSTAA 212 | A | The Military History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present | None |
HSTEU 234 | A | History of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust | None |
JSIS B 311 | B | Myth of War | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Summer 2019 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Full | Introduction to Microeconomics | None |
Econ 201** | Full | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | A | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Full | Religion and World Politics | None |
Pol S 325 | Full | The Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
Pol S 384 Envir 384 |
Full | Global Environmental Politics | None. Summer 2019 only (course does not count for the Political Economy Option Advanced Courses requirement when taught in other terms) |
Pol S 437 Scand 437 |
A | Politics in Scandinavia | None |
Pol S 442 JSIS A 408 |
B | Government and Politics of China | None |
Econ 300 | Full | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1 |
Econ 301 | Full | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. |
Econ 450 | A | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy |
PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
GWSS 333 JSIS B 333 |
Full | Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process |
None. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Spring 2019 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Introduction to International Relations | None. |
POL S 314 HSTAFM 490A JSIS A 314 NEAR E 315 |
Israel: Dynamic Society and Global Flashpoint | POL S 314: Pol S majors only period 1 HSTAFM 490A: None JSIS A 314: None NEAR E 315: None |
POL S 407* | International Conflict | Pol S majors only period 1 |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
United States-China Relations | POL S 419: Pol S majors only period 1 JSIS A 459: None |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | POL S 426: Pol S majors only period 1 JSIS B 426: No freshmen |
POL S 432 JSIS B 406 |
Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism | POL S 432: Pol S majors only period 1 JSIS B 406: None |
A S 213 | The Evolution of Air and Space Power III | ROTC students or instructor permission |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400 | ROTC students or instructor permission |
HSERV 415 G H 419 |
War and Health | None |
HSTAA 212 | The Military History of the United States From Colonial Times to the Present | None |
HSTCMP 269 JEW ST 269 |
The Holocaust: History and Memory | None |
HSTCMP 340 JSIS B 340 |
The Cold War: Realities, Myths, Legacies | None |
JSIS A 420 | Post-Soviet Security | None |
JSIS A 468 | Russia and the International System | None |
JSIS B 423 | Practicing American Foreign Policy | For add code contact instructor at wallp2@uw.edu |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction: Development, Deployment, and Detection | No grads |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Spring 2019 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None. |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 249 HSTCMP249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
POL S 335A | Topics in Political Economy "The Political Economy of Capitalism, Authoritarianism & Democracy" |
Pol S majors only period 1 |
POL S 335B JSIS A 362 |
Topics in Political Economy "African Politics" |
POL S 335B: Pol S majors only period 1. Not open students who have already completed Pol S 477 or JSIS A 362. JSIS A 362: None |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime and Corruption | Recommended: POL S 203, POL S 204, or POL S 270; or JSIS 123, JSIS 200, JSIS 201, or JSIS 222; or equivalent. |
POL S 409A ECON 409A |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy "Political Economy of the Great Recession and Its Aftermath" |
POL S 409: Pol S majors only Econ 409: Econ majors only |
Pol S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | No freshmen. |
POL S 427 | International Political Economy | Pol S majors only period 1 |
POL S 460 JSIS 488 |
Political Economy of the European Union | POL S 460: Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only Period 1. JSIS 488A: No freshmen. |
POL S 474 | Government and the Economy | Pol S majors only period 1 |
POL S 476 | Strategy in Politics | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
Economics of Fisheries and Oceans | None |
ECON 235 ENVIR 235 ESRM 235 |
Introduction to Environmental Economics | ECON 235: None ENVIR 235: Envir majors only period 1 ESRM 235: ESRM majors only period 1 |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1 Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Nonmajors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy |
ECON 451 | Public Finance: Tax Policy | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | None |
JSIS B 385 | Industry and the State | None |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Winter 2019 International Security Option Courses
Course # & MyPlan Link | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Pol S 203 | Introduction to International Relations | None. |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Religion & World Politics | None. |
Pol S 321 | American Foreign Policy | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
Pol S 347 | Politics of International Law | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
Pol S 425 | Political Psychology & War | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
Pol S 430 | Civil-Military Relations | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
Pol S 436 JSIS B 436 |
Ethic Politics and Nationalism in Multi-Ethnic Societies | Pol S 436: Pol S majors only Period 1. No freshmen. JSIS B 436: No freshmen Periods 1 and 3. |
Anth 497 LSJ 425 |
Domesticating International Human Rights: Perspectives on U.S. Asylum & Refugee Law | Anth 497: Anth majors only Period 1. LSJ 425: LSJ majors only Period 1. No freshmen Period 1. |
A S 212 | The Evolution of Air & Space Power II | ROTC students only or instructor permission. |
A S 432 | Aerospace Studies 400 | ROTC students only or instructor permission. |
HSTAS 254 JSIS A 254 |
Modern China: Three Revolutions | None |
HSTEU 234 | History of Nazi Germany & the Holocaust | None. |
HSTEU 252 JSIS A 252 |
The Bloodlands: East Central Europe Under Hitler & Stalin | None. W Course. |
JSIS A 416 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2019 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# & MyPlan Link | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Econ 200** | Introduction to Microeconomics | None. |
Econ 201** | Introduction to Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Econ 200 |
Pol S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None. |
Pol S 307 Relig 307 |
Religion & World Politics | None. |
Pol S 326 Scand 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | Pol S 326: Pol S majors only Period 1. Scand 326: None |
Pol S 427 | International Political Economy | Pol S majors only. |
Pol S 477 | African Political Development | PREREQUISITE: Pol S 204. Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREREQUISITE: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1 Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy |
Econ 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Econ majors only Period 1. Nonmajors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy |
Econ 471 | International Trade | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
Econ 472 | International Macroeconomics | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. Add code required beginning Period 3. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
Econ 491 | Issues in Economic Development | PREREQUISITE: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. Econ majors only. Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy. Political Economy students may email econadv@uw.edu during Registration Period 2 if space is available. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Autumn 2018 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics and Law of International Human Rights | None. |
GEOG 375 JSIS B 375 |
Geopolitics | GEOG 375: Geog majors only period 1; JSIS B 375: None. |
HSTEU 376 | Modern Irish History | None. |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire | None. |
JSIS B 424 | Politics of International Nuclear Security | None. |
JSIS B 429 |
Nuclear Nonproliferation and International Safeguards | None. |
PHIL 338 | Philosphy of Human Rights | None. |
A S 211 |
Evolution of Air and Space Power | None. |
A S 431 |
Aerospace Studies I | ROTC students only or permission of instructor. |
N SCI 321 |
Evolution of Warfare I | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2018 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
POL S 409A ECON 409A |
Seminar in Pol Economy: The Wealth of Nations | POL S 409A: POL S majors. Juniors,Seniors only ECON 409: ECON majors only |
POL S 409B ECON 409B |
Seminar in Pol Economy: Political Economy of Property Rights, Regulation, & Innovation |
POL S 409B: Pol S majors. Juniors,Seniors only |
POL S 442 JSIS A 408 |
Government and Politics of China | None. |
GEOG 208 | Geography of the World Economy | None. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | SIS, SISLA majors only period 1; Prerequisite: ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123. |
JSIS B 345 ANTH 345 GWSS 345 |
Women and International Economic Development | JSIS, GWSS: None. ANTH: Majors only period 1. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy.
Summer 2018 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | A | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 321 | Full | American Foreign Policy | None. Group start online course. |
POL S 325 | Full | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None. |
POL S 328 | A | International Organizations | None. |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
B | US-China Relations | None. |
POL S 432 JSIS B 406 |
A | Political Islam | None. |
POL S 434 JSIS A 434 |
A | International Relations of South Asia | None. |
POL S 436 JSIS B 436 |
A | Ethnic Politics | POL S: Majors only period 1. JSIS: None. |
HSTAS 265 |
B | The Vietnam Wars | None. |
PHIL 407 | B | International Justice | No Freshmen. Prerequisite: One course in Philosophy. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Summer 2018 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Full | Intro to Microeconomics | None. |
ECON 201** | Full | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
POL S 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
B | Intro to Labor Studies | None. |
POL S 270 |
A |
Intro to Pol Economy |
None. |
POL S 325 | Full | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None. |
POL S 409A |
B | Seminar in Pol Economy: African Political Economy | None. |
POL S 442 JSIS A 408 |
B | Government and Politics of China | None. |
ECON 300 | Full | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Full | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 451 | B | Public Finance: Tax Policy | ECON: Majors only. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 490 | Full | Comparative Economic Systems | ECON: Majors only. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy.
Spring 2018 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 407 | International Conflict | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
United States-China Relations | POL S 419: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS A 459: None |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | POL S 426: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 426: None |
POL S 430 | Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
War and Health | None. | |
The Code War: Realities, Myths, Legacies | None. W Course. | |
JSIS A 468 | Russia and the International System | None |
JSIS B 301 SOC 301 |
War | JSIS B 301: None Soc 301: Soc majors only Period 1. No freshmen. |
JSIS B 423 | Practicing American Foreign Policy | Prerequisite: JSIS 201. Add code required. Contact Professor Wall. |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction: Development, Deployment, and Detection | None |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Spring 2018 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
POL S 326 SCAND 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | POL S 326: Pol S majors only Period 1 SCAND 326: None |
POL S 335 | POL ECONOMY TOPICS: The Political Economy of Capitalism, Authoritarianism, and Democracy | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 417 JSIS A 417 |
Political Economy of India | POL S 417: JSIS A 417: |
POL S 426 JSIS B 426 |
World Politics | POL S 426: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS B 426: None |
POL S 460 JSIS 488 |
Political Economy of the European Union | Pol S: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS: None |
POL S 474 | Government and the Economy | Pol S majors only Period 1 |
ECON 230 FISH 230 |
Economics of Fisheries and Oceans | ECON 230: None FISH 230: None |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 451 | Public Finance: Tax Policy | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan | None |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy
Winter 2018 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 328 | International Organizations | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 349 | Strategy & War | Pol S majors only Period 1. Offered in Winter 2017 as Pol S 333. Not open for credit to students who completed Pol S 333 in Winter 2017. |
POL S 371 JSIS B 371 |
Global Crime & Corruption | Recommended Preparation: Pol S 203 or 204 or 270 or equivalent. Offered in Winter 2017 as Pol S 335/JSIS B 330A. Not open for credit to students who completed Pol S 335/JSIS B 330A in Winter 2017. |
POL S 420 JSIS A 420 |
Soviet & Russian Foreign Policy Post-Soviet Security |
Pol S 420: Pol S majors only Period 1. JSIS A 420: None |
POL S 430 | Civil-Military Relations in Democracies | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors Only. |
A S 212 | The Evolution of Air & Space Power II | ROTC students only or instructor permission. |
JSIS A 416 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | None. |
PHIL 338 | Philosophy of Human Rights | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2018 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL S 203 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
Intro to Labor Studies | None. |
POL S 371 JSIS B 3671 |
Global Crime & Corruption | Recommended Preparation: Pol S 203 or 204 or 270 or equivalent. Offered in Winter 2017 as Pol S 335/JSIS B 330A. Not open for credit to students who completed Pol S 335/JSIS B 330A in Winter 2017. |
POL S 437 SCAND 437 |
Politics in Scandinavia | Pol S: Pol S majors only Period 1. Scand: None. |
POL S 475 | Public Choice | Pol S 270 highly recommended. Enrollment by add code only. Email Prof. Gill to express interest. |
POL S 477 | African Political Development | Pol S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRJM,ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Add code required Period 3. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. Add request policy link below. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Econ majors only Period 1. Add code required Period 3. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. Add request policy link below. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. Econ majors only. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. Econ majors only. |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 301. Econ majors only. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | Prerequisite: Either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of International Trade & Finance | None. |
JSIS B 333 GWSS 333 |
Gender & Globalization: Theory & Process | JSIS: None GWSS: Add code required. Email gwssadvs@uw.edu. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
Econ add code requests policy: https://econ.washington.edu/add-code-requests-policy
Autumn 2017 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S/JSIS B 307 | Religion and World Politics | None. |
POL S 314/JSIS A 314/NEAR E 315 | Israel/Global Cntxt | POL S 314: Pol S Majors only JSIS A 314: None NEAR E 315: None |
POL S 332A | Comp Pol Topics | TOPIC: The Politics of Terror and Terrorism. None. |
POL S 368/LSJ 320 | Politics & Law of International Human Rights | None. |
A S 211 | Evolution of Air and Space Power I | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Concurr reg in A S 250 req'd. |
A S 431 | Aerospace Studies 400: I | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisite: A S 333. Concurr reg in A S 250 req'd . |
GEOG/JSIS B 375 | Geopolitics | GEOG 375: GEOG majors only Period 1 JSIS B 375: No GEOG majors Period 1 |
HSTEU 376 | Modern Irish History | None. |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse | None. |
JSIS B 424 | International Law and Arms Control | None. |
JSIS B 429 | Nuclear Nonproliferation & International Safeguards | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2017 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None. |
POL S/JSIS B 307 | Religion and World Politics | None. |
POL S/ECON 409 | Seminar in Political Economy | TOPIC: THE ECONOMICS & POLITICS OF PROPERTY RIGHTS, REGULATION & INNOVATION Pol S 409: Pol S Majors only. |
POL S 442/JSIS A 408 | Government and Politics of China | None. |
POL S 476 | Strategy in Politics | Pol S Majors only. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | No Seniors Period 1. PREMAJ,EPRMJ,PSOCS,ECON,PRESCI majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1. ECON majors only Period 3. ECON,ACMS majors only Period 2. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
GEOG 208 | Geography of the World Economy | None. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | SIS majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
JSIS B/ ANTH/GWSS 345 | Women & Intl. Economic Development | None. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Summer 2017 International Security Option Course
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | A | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 321* | Full | American Foreign Policy | None. Group start online course. |
POL S 325 | Full | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
Pol S 333 | Full | Intl Rel Topics: Politics of Dictatorships | None |
POL S 419/JSIS A 459 | A | US-China Relations | None |
POL S 432/JSIS B 406 | A | Political Islam & Islamic Fundamentalism | None |
Pol S 436/JSIS B 436 | A | Ethnic Politics | None |
HSTAA 212 | B | Military History of the US (colonial - pres.) | None |
HSTAM 205 | A | Military History of the Ancient World | None |
HSTAS/JSIS A 265 | Full | Viet Nam Wars | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Summer 2017 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Term | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Full | Intro to Microeconomics | None. 4 sections. |
ECON 201** | Full | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL S 270** | Full | Introduction to Political Economy | None. |
POL S/HSTCMP 249/SOC 266 | Full | Introduction to Labor Studies | None. |
POL S 325 | Full | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None. |
POL S/SCAND 326 | A | Scandinavia in World Affairs | None. |
POL S 409 | A | Seminar in Political Economy: Political Economy of Development | None. |
POL S/SCAND 437 | B | Politics in Scandinavia | None. |
ECON 300 | Full | Intermediate Microeconomics |
Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. Add Code required Period 3 (beginning 6/19/2017). No Seniors Period 1 (4/10/2017-5/17/2017). ECON,PREMAJ,PSOCS,EPRMJ,PRESCI,PREHUM majors only Period 1 (4/10/2017-5/17/2017). |
ECON 301 | Full | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only Period 1 (4/10/2017-5/17/2017) |
ECON 451 | A | Public Finance: Tax Policy | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only. |
JSIS B 331 | Full | Political Economy of Development | None |
JSIS B 332 | Full | Political Economy of International Trade & Finance | None. |
JSIS B/ GWSS 333 | Full | Gender and Globalization | Add Code required Period 3 for GWSS 333 (beginning 6/19/2017) |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Spring 2017 International Security Option Course
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 407 | International Conflict | None. |
POL S 337 | Collective Violence | None. |
POL S 419/JSIS A 459 A | US-China Relations | None. |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology & War | None. |
POL S 426/JSIS B 426 A | World Politics | No Freshmen. POL S majors only Period 1 |
A S 213 | Air & Space Power III | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400 III | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. |
HSERV 415/G H 419 A | War and Health | None. |
HSTAA 212 | Military History of US | None. |
HSTAS 265/JSIS A 265 A | The Viet Nam Wars | None. |
JSIS B 423 | American Foreign Policy | Prerequisite: JSIS 201. Add Code required Period 1. Seniors only Period 1 . SIS majors only Period 1. SIS majors only Period 2. FOR ADD CODES CONTACT INSTRUCTOR |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | None. |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migration | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Spring 2017 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | NO ADD CODES WILL BE GIVEN FOR THIS COURSE. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL S 427 | International Political Economy | None. |
POL S 442/JSIS A 408 A | Government & Politics of China | None. |
POL S/JSIS B 426 | World Politics | No Freshmen. POL S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 460/JSIS B 488 B | Political Economy of the EU | None. |
POL S 474 | Government and the Economy | None. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | ECON,EPRMJ,PSOCS,PREMAJ,PRESCI majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1. Add Code required Period 3. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | ECON majors only. Add Code required Period 3. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
FISH/ECON 230 | Economics of Fisheries & Oceans | None. |
GEOG 208 | Geography of the World Economy | None. |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan | None. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Winter 2017 International Security Option Course
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 333 | Intl Rel Topics: "Strategy & War" | POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 335 | Pol Economy Topics: "Global Crime & Corruption" | Recommended Preparation: Pol S 203 or 204 or 270 or equivalent. |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | POL S majors only Period 1. Juniors & Seniors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
POL S 430 | Civil-Military Relations | POL S majors only Period 1. Juniors & Seniors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
ANTH 497 / LSJ 425 | Perspectives on Asylum & Refugee Law | LSJ & ANTH majors only Period 1. |
A S 212 | Evolution of Air & Space Power II | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisitse: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. |
A S 432 | Aerospace Studies 400: II | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisites: A S 333. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. |
HSTCMP/JSIS B 340 | The Cold War: Realities, Myths, Legacies | None. |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2017 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL S / HSTCMP 249 / SOC 266 | Introduction to Labor Studies | None. |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | Pol S Majors Period 1. |
POL S 335 | Pol Economy Topics: "Global Crime & Corruption" | Recommended Preparation: Pol S 203 or 204 or 270 or equivalent. |
POL S 475 | Public Choice | Add Code required. POL S majors only Period 1. Juniors & Seniors only Period 1. To express interest in enrollment, use your @uw.edu account to email Prof. Gill: tgill@uw.edu. POL S 270 highly recommended. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Add Code required for Period 3. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON majors only Period 1. Non-Majors may register for any available space during period 2. Add Code required Period 3. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 20.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | ECON majors only. Add Code required Period 3. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | ECON major only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of International Trade & Finance | None. |
JSIS B / ANTH / GWSS 345 | Women & International Economic Development | JSIS B 345: Add code required. No ANTH, GWSS majors Period 1. ANTH 345: No Grads. ANTH majors only Period 1. GWSS 345: Add code required Period 3. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Autumn 2016 International Security Option Course
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 307 JSIS C 307 |
Religion & World Politics | None. |
Pol S 332 | Comp Pol Topics "The Politics of Terror and Terrorism" |
POL S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics & Law of Intl. Human Rights | POL S majors only Period 1. |
A S 211 | Evolution of Air & Space Power I | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisitse: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. |
A S 431 | Aerospace Studies 400: I | Course restricted to ROTC students only or by permission of instructor. Prerequisites: A S 333. Concurrent registration in A S 250 required. |
GEOG 375 JSIS B 375 |
Geopolitics | Geog 375: None JSIS B 375: No Geog majors Period 1 |
HSTEU 376 | Modern Irish History | None |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, & Collapse | None |
JSIS B 424 | International Law & Arms Control | None |
JSIS B 429 | Nuclear Nonproliferation & Intl. Safeguards | None |
PHIL 338 | Philosophy of Human Rights | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2016 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
POL S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
POL S 307 JSIS C 307 |
Religion & World Politics | None |
POL S 326 SCAN 326 |
Scandinavia in World Affairs | POL S majors only Period 1 |
POL S 476 | Strategy in Politics | POL S majors only. Juniors,Seniors only Period 1. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | SIS majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
No Seniors Period 1. PREMAJ, EPRMJ, PSOCS, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
ECON majors only Period 1. Non-Majors may register for any available space during period 2. Add Code required Period 3, HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300 |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1 & 3. ECON & ACMS majors only Period 2. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | ECON major only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Summer 2016 International Security Option Course
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | None. Group start online course. Next taught on campus Winter 2017. |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
POL S 368 LSJ 320 |
Politics & Law of Intl. Human Rights | None |
POL S 419 JSIS A 459 |
U.S.-China Relations | None |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology & War | None |
HSTAM 205 | Military History of the Ancient World | None |
HSTAS/JSIS A 265 | Viet Nam Wars | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Summer 2016 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200. |
POL 249 HSTCMP 249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
POL 326 SCAN 326 | Scandinavia in World Affairs | None |
POL S 442/ JSIS A 408 | Government & Politics of China | None |
JSIS B 333 GWSS 333 |
Gender & Globalization | None |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1. Add Code required Period 3. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Spring 2016 International Security Option Course
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None. |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | None. Online course, $120 fee. Next taught on campus Winter 2017. |
POL S 407* | International Conflict | None. |
POL S 337/ JSIS B 337 | Collective Violence and the State | POL S: POL S majors only Period 1. JSIS B: None. |
POL S 419/ JSIS A 459 | U.S.-China Relations | POL S: POL S majors only Period 1. JSIS B: None. |
JSIS A 416 | NATO | None. |
POL S/JSIS B 426 | World Politics | POL S: POL S majors only Period 1. No freshmen. JSIS B: No freshmen. |
POL S 430 | Civil-Military Relations | POL S: POL S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
A S 213 | Evolution of Air and Space Power III | ROTC Students OR permission of instructor. Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
A S 433 | Aerospace Studies 400: III | ROTC Students OR permission of instructor. Prerequisite: A S 333. |
HSERV 415/G H 419 | War and Health | None. |
HSTAA 212 | Mil. History of US (colonial-pres.) | None. |
JSIS B 423 | Practicing American Foreign Policy | SIS majors only Periods 1 and 2. Seniors only Period 1. Add code required Periods 2 and 3. Prerequisite: JSIS 201. If space available, request add code from instructor, WALLP2@UW.EDU |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | None. |
JSIS B 441 | Forced Migrations | None. |
PHIL 338 | Philosophy of Human Rights | None. |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Spring 2016 Political Economy Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
Pol S 337/ JSIS B 337 | Collective Violence and the State |
Pol S: Pol S majors only Period 1 JSIS: None |
Pol S 405A/ Com 495B | Advanced Seminar in American Politics | Topic: Communication, Politics and Sustainability. Enrollment by add code only. Contact Professor Bennett at lbennett@uw.edu |
Pol S 447A | Advanced Seminar in Comparative Politics | Topic: Property Rights, Institutions & Innovation. POL S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
Pol S 447B | Advanced Seminar in Comparative Politics | Topic: Political Economy of Authoritarian Rule. POL S majors only. Juniors and seniors only. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | ECON, EPRMJ, PSOCS, PREMAJ, PRESCI majors only Period 1. Add Code required Period 3. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | ECON majors only Period 1. Non-Majors may register for any available spaces during Period 2. Add code required Period 3. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | ECON majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | ECON majors only. For add code info go to HTTP://ECON.WASHINGTON.EDU/ADD-CODE-REQUESTS-POLICY Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
GEOG 208 | Geography of the World Economy | None. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | SIS majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Winter 2016 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | POL S majors only Period 1. Offered online in Spring 2016. |
POL S 307/ JSIS B 307 | Religion and World Politics | None |
Pol S 320/ JSIS B 310 | State Society Relations in Third World Countries |
Pol S 320: Pol S Majors Only Period. JSIS B 310: None. |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
Pol S 348/ JSIS A 348 |
EU as a Global Actor | Pol S 348: Pol S Majors Only Period 1. JSIS A 348: None. |
POL S 425 |
Political Psychology and War | Seniors only. POL S majors only. |
HSTAM 205 | Mil. History of the Ancient World | None |
A S 212 |
Evolution of Air and Space Power II | Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103. COURSE RESTRICTED TO ROTC STUDENTS ONLY OR BY PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR. |
JSIS B 424 | International Law and Arms Control | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Winter 2016 Political Economy Option Courses
Course | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | None |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200 |
POL S 270** | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
POL S/ HSTCMP/ 249 SOC 266 |
Introduction to Labor Studies | None |
POL S/ JSIS B 307 | Religion and World Politics | None |
POL S 320/ JSIS B 310 | State-Society Relations in 3rd World Countries | Pol S Majors Only Period 1. |
POL S 325 | Arab-Israeli Conflict | None |
POL S/ JSIS A 342 | Gov. & Politics of Latin America | Pol S Majors Only Period 1. |
POL S 460/ JSIS 488A | Political Economy of the EU | Pol S Majors Only Periods 1 and 2. Juniors and Seniors Only Period 1. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. Add Code required Period 3. PREMAJ, EPRMJ, PSOCS, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Add Code required Period 3. ECON majors only Period 1. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Econ majors only. Add Code required Period 3. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
JSIS A 473 | Political Economy of Postwar Japan | Add Code required Period 2 & 3. |
JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of Intl. Trade & Finance | None |
JSIS B/ ANTH/ GWSS 345 | Women & Intl. Economic Development | |
JSIS B 385 | Industry and the State | Prerequisite: JSIS 200; JSIS 201 |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Autumn 2015 International Security Option Courses
Course# | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | None. Online course. $350 additional course fee. POL S 321 will next be taught on campus in 2015-2016. |
POL S 331 | Government/Politics in the Middle East & North Africa | None |
POL S 331/JSIS B 337 | Collective Violence | Pol S majors only, No Freshmen |
POL S 368 |
Politics & Law of International Human Rights | Pol S majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
GEOG/ JSIS B 375 |
Geopolitics | None |
The Holocaust: History and Memory | None |
HSTAS/ JSIS A 265 | Viet Nam Wars | None |
A S 211 | Evolution of Air and Space Power I | Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. COURSE RESTRICTED TO ROTC STUDENTS ONLY OR BY PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR |
JSIS A 430 | Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse | None |
JSIS B 429 | Nuclear Proliferation & International Safeguards | None |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Autumn 2015 Political Economy Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | Prerequisite: Recommended MATH 111. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; recommended: MATH 111 |
POL S/ JSIS A 322 | IPE of Latin America | POL S majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
POL S 427 | International Political Economy | POL S majors only Period 1. No Freshmen. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. Add Code required Period 3. No Seniors Period 1. PREMAJ, EPRMJ, PSOCS, ECON, PRESCI majors only Period 1. |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. Add Code required Period 3. ECON majors only Period 1. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Econ majors only Period 1 & 3. Econ & ACMS majors only Period 2. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 495 | Economies in Transition | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | SIS majors only Period 1. Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration
Summer 2015 International Security Option Courses
Term |
Course # |
Course Title |
Enrollment Restrictions |
A |
Pol S 203 |
Introdution to International Relations |
None |
Full |
Pol S 321 |
American Foreign Policy |
GROUP START ONLINE COURSE. Pol S 321 will be offered on campus in WIN 2016. |
Full |
Pol S 325 |
The Arab-Israeli Conflct |
None |
B |
Pol S 337 |
Collective Violence |
None |
A |
Pol S 368 |
The Politics and Law of International Human Rights |
None |
A |
Pol S 419 |
United States-China Relations |
None |
Full |
Pol S 425 |
Political Psychology and War |
None |
Full |
HSTAA 212 |
Military History of the United States from Colonial Times to the Present |
None |
Full |
HSTAM 205 |
Military History of teh Ancient World |
None |
B |
HSTCMP 215 |
History of the Atomic Bomb |
None |
B |
JSIS C 205 |
Religion, Violence, and Peace |
None |
Summer 2015 Political Economy Option Courses
Term | Course # | Course Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
Full | Econ 200 | Introduction to Microeconomics | Prerequisite: Recommended Math 111 |
Full | Econ 201 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: Econ 200; recommended |
Full | Pol S 270 | Introduction to Political Economy | None |
B |
Pol S 409 Econ 409 |
Undergraduate Seminar in Political Economy: Labor Rights in the Global Economy | None |
A | Pol S 427 | International Political Economy | None |
B |
Pol S 460 JSIS 488 |
Political Economy of the European Union | None |
Full or B | Econ 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | EON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145. ECON, PREMAJ, PSOCS, EPRMJ, PRESCI, PREHUM majors only Period 1. No Seniors Period 1. Add code required Period 3 |
Full | Econ 301 | Intermedia Macroeconomics | Minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. ECON majors only Period 1 |
B | Econ 450 | Public Finance: Expense Policy | Minimum grade of 2.0 in Econ 200. ECON majors only |
Full | JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | None |
Full | JSIS B 332 | Political Economy of International Trade and Finance | None |
Full | JSIS B 333 | Gender and Globalization: Theory and Process | None |
Spring 2015 International Security Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
POL S 203* | Intro to International Relations | None |
POL S 321* | American Foreign Policy | None. Online course. $350 additional course fee. POL S 321 will next be taught on campus in 2015-2016. |
POL S/JSIS A 348 | European Union as Global Actor | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 407 | International Conflict | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
POL S 425 | Political Psychology and War | Pol S majors only Period 1. |
HSTCMP/JSIS C 269 | The Holocaust: History & Memory | None |
HSTAS/JSIS A 244 | Imperialism and Anti-Colonialsim in Asia | None |
JSIS B 427 | Weapons of Mass Destruction | None |
PHIL 407 | International Justice | Prerequisite: One course in philosophy. Phil majors only Period 1. |
AS 213 | The Evolution of Air and Space Power III | Prerequisite: Either AS 101, AS 102, or AS 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
AS 433 | Aerospace Studies | Prerequisite: AS 333 |
* Required courses for the International Security Option
Spring 2015 Political Economy Option Courses
Course # | Title | Enrollment Restrictions |
ECON 200** | Intro to Microeconomics | Prerequisite: Recommended MATH 111. |
ECON 201** | Intro to Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; recommended: MATH 111 |
POL S 270 | Introduction to Political Economy | None. Online course. $350 additional course fee. POL S 270 will next be offered on campus in WIN 2016. |
POL S 427 | International Political Economy | None. |
ECON 300 | Intermediate Microeconomics | Prerequisite: ECON 200; either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 127, MATH 134, or MATH 145 |
ECON 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 201; 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 450 | Public Finance: Expenditure Policy | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 451 | Public Finance: Tax Policy | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 300. |
ECON 471 | International Trade | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 472 | International Macroeconomics | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
ECON 490 | Comparative Economic Systems | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301 |
ECON 491 | Issues in Economic Development | Econ majors only. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in ECON 301. |
JSIS B 330 | International Political Economy | Prerequisite: JSIS 201 which may be taken concurrently; either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123 any of which may be taken concurrently |
JSIS B 331 | Political Economy of Development | Prerequisite: either ECON 201, GEOG 123 or JSIS 123, any of which may be taken concurrently. |
** Required courses for the Political Economy Option
For Econ add code policies see http://econ.washington.edu/undergrad/courses-registration