About the Book. The American presidency has long tested the capacity of the system of checks and balances to constrain executive power, especially in times of war. While scholars have examined presidents starting military conflicts without congressional authorization or infringing on civil liberties in the name of national security, Stuart Streichler focuses on the conduct of hostilities. Using the treatment of war-on-terror detainees under President George W. Bush as a case study, he integrates international humanitarian law into a constitutional analysis of the repercussions of presidential war powers for human rights around the world. In doing so, Presidential Accountability in Wartime not only raises questions about whether international humanitarian law can moderate wartime presidential behavior but also about the character of the presidency and the American constitutional system of government.
About the Author. Stuart Streichler has taught constitutional law and human rights at the University of Washington, the University of California Santa Barbara, the University of Miami, and as a Fulbright scholar at Tohoku University in Japan. Previously, he practiced law in Washington, DC where, among other things, he participated in constitutional litigation before the US Supreme Court. Streichler is also the author of Justice Curtis in the Civil War Era: At the Crossroads of American Constitutionalism. He has been interviewed by national and international media, including the CBC, NHK, and the PBS NewsHour, and his commentaries on contemporary public affairs have appeared in publications like the Boston Review and The Nation.
Sponsored by the Department of Political Science; the Department of Law, Societies & Justice; the Department of History; the Center for Human Rights; and the School of Law.
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