ENVIR 239 Sustainable Choices
SLN: 11387 (3cr) or 11388 (5cr)
Tue/Thurs noon-1:40pm
Explore sustainability through lecture, discussion, writing, and personal sustainability activities. Add service learning component for the 5-credit section. Unpack issues such as consumption and happiness; sustainable food choices; green energy; water use; sustainable campuses; and economics. Deeply explore the impacts of your choices through activities around food, waste, consumption, and citizen action. Instructor: Kristi Straus
ENVIR 235 Introduction to Environmental Economics (A term)
SLN: 11386 (5 credits)
M,T,W,ThF 1:10-3:20pm
Introduces environmental and natural resource economics. Discusses fundamental economic concepts, including markets and private property. Includes basic tools used in the economic assessment of environmental programs and applies these methods to key environmental issues. Instructor: Indroneil Ganguly
ENVIR 495A Urban Farm Practicum (A term)
SLN: 11392 (3 credits)
Wednesdays noon-5pm
Become familiar with techniques of food production in urban settings; gain a working knowledge of plant families, basic soil characteristics and methods of compost production. Expand your abilities to grow food in an urban setting through experiential learning on the UW Farm! Instructor: Elizabeth Wheat