READING THE ELWHA: Tracing the Dynamics of Landscape Change
L ARCH 498A (SLN# 11931); L ARCH 598A (SLN# 11936); 4 credits
Planning Meeting July 23, 2014, 5:00-7:00 pm, GLD 100
Field Trip: July 27 - 31, 2015
Located on the Olympic Peninsula, the Elwha River flows north out of the Olympic Mountains in Olympic National Park before emptying into the Straits of Juan de Fuca. Historically the river supported diverse and viable populations of five species of salmonids, but for the last century two dams have blocked the river to migration and altered the biophysical processes of the watershed.! After four years of deconstruction, the dams have been fully removed and the river flows unimpeded once again. The removal marks the largest dam removal in U.S. history and establishes a precedent for the future management of rivers in the Pacific Northwest, the U.S., and abroad. The class will examine the history of the watershed and explore the meaning of Nature and the ethics of ecological restoration in today's context.
This course is a five-day, four night (July 27-31, 2015) field intensive exploration of the watershed. Activities include moderate hiking in all areas of the watershed and discussions with many stakeholders including public agencies and tribes that have led and are studying the biophysical responses of the river. Aside from the week in the field the class meets formally for one planning meeting prior to the trip (July 23rd). The class is open to all University of Washington students.
An informational meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 3rd at noon in Gould Hall, Room 440.
INTERESTED? Contact Ken Yocom, with questions and inquiries