Latest MyPlan update brings something new for all!
General education search for undergraduates (& their advisers)
In response to adviser’s feedback, MyPlan now gives advisers and students the ability to search for courses based on general education requirements. In addition, the search logic has been improved so that GenEd and Key Word searches now returns GenEd courses found in the catalog and Time Schedule.
Degree audits for graduate students
Using MyPlan, graduate Students in 60 plus graduate degree programs are now able to run degree and plan audits. Additional programs will be added as they become available.
MyPlan & MyUW show what's "ready to register" for all current students
Students can now view items they’ve added in MyPlan, assess their registration status, and launch registration for those courses directly from the MyUW mobile site.
Plan import for newly admitted students
Prospective students who created a plan through a social Facebook or Google account can now transfer that plan information to their UW account once they have established an UW NetID.
Enhancements for Community and Technical College students
Based on additional user testing and feedback, the MyPlan CTC site has been redesigned. Washington State CTC students are provided with a clear step-by-step process in simple language for importing courses taken or planned, reviewing those courses, and seeing how these courses might apply to a UW degree.
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