Submitted by Caterina Rost on July 15, 2015 - 9:33am
The Astrobiology Program is offering a course this autumn titled "Intro to Astrobiology: Life in the Universe" which is designed specifically for non-science, liberal arts majors. This 5-credit ASTBIO 115 course is offered jointly with ASTR 115, BIOL 114, ESS 115 and OCEAN 115, and has a corresponding lab section. Attached is a flyer with more information about Astrobiology and course content.
Autumn 2015
ASTBIO 115 (offered jointly with ASTR 115, BIOL 114, ESS 115 and OCEAN 115)
Intro to Astrobiology
5 credits
Lecture: M/W/F 1:30-2:20pm
Lab Sections: T/Th @ 1:30, 2:30, 3:30
Fulfills Natural World requirement