Autumn 15 Course LSJ 490C Climate Change, Justice, & the Law
Open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors in any major
Grad students by permission, email
No pre-requisites
SLN 17061
Tues/Thurs 1:30-3:20
I&S + Optional Writing Credit
Instructor: Brandon Derman
Recent insights from the physical and social sciences make clear that climate change poses novel issues of environmental and social justice. It is also clear that, together with the economic implications of mitigation, these issues lie at the heart of the stalemate in international and domestic efforts for climate regulation.This course will examine efforts for "climate justice" that mobilize law and rights. We will use these efforts to better understand key aspects of legality, rights consciousness, and struggles for justice in light of the increasingly apparent connections between nature and society, and between humans across the globe.