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Attention Future Teachers - Community Literacy Program

Submitted by Caterina Rost on November 2, 2015 - 10:29am


Are you a UW student interested in helping public school students succeed?  Looking for a meaningful way to earn your "Composition" or "W" credit? Getting real world experience to help you choose a major or a career path? Completing classroom hours for the Education, Learning and Society Minor or for application to a Masters in Teaching program?  Improving your research, writing, and collaborative learning and presentation skills?  Are you looking for an opportunity (in the words of Paul Farmer) to “use what you learn to transform yourself and your community”?  

The Community Literacy Program (TuTh 11:30-1:20; ENGL 298, C or W credit) will be taught by CLP Director Prof. Elizabeth Simmons-O'Neill. The Community Literacy Program links a 5 credit on-campus seminar (English 298) with a 3 credit service-learning internship in a "high needs" partner public school program (English 491).  All CLP students participate in this service learning internship,  which may be used toward the field work requirement for the ELS minor, and the observation hours required prior to applying to the UW Masters in Teaching program.  English 491 internship schedules are arranged individually at a CLP partner K-12 public school; students who are already volunteering in a public school may be able to continue that placement as their service-learning for CLP.

The Community Literacy Program assignments include field notes/service-learning journal, a collaborative presentation, an individually designed research project, and a career-related assignment sequence taught in partnership with the UW Career Center.  Central course goals include engaging in effective, reflective work with public school students and teachers; more deeply understanding current debates in public education by bringing together theory and practice; gaining skill and confidence in our own writing and revising processes, and reflecting on the impact of Community Literacy Program on our academic, career, civic and personal goals.  Information and add codes are available from the instructor at     

More information at

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