ENVIR 250: Research Methods for Environmental Studies – M, W, F, 1:30p–2:30p. 5 credits. Instructors: Tim Billo and Yen-Chu Weng. Pre-req: ENVIR 100. Get experience with data collection and apply it to an environmental lens. Course details: Get introduced to various data collection methods in order to understand complex environmental issues. Case studies help illustrate research design processes, and introduce key methods of data collection and analysis relevant to the problem.
ENVIR 439 Attaining a Sustainable Society – M, W, 10:30a–12:20p. 3 credits. Instructor: Elizabeth Wheat. Explore how food, energy and policy movements are moving our society towards a more sustainable future and identify impediments to achieving a sustainable society. Freshmen can enroll w/ instructor permission.
ENVIR 480: Sustainability Studio – T, Th, 12:30p–1:20p. 5 credits. Instructor: Ashley Blazina. Focus on the different aspects of green purchasing at UW and industry-wide. Course details: Examine the current criteria used to asses the "greenness" of a company, what aspects may be missing, the sustainability of purchasing local vs. regional and internationally, what industries (fashion, energy) are the current biggest polluters, and which are the “greenest” and the sustainability of UW's many branches of purchasing. In addition to class lectures, guest speakers and field trips, students will work for an outside client on a community-based project related to green purchasing, either on the UW campus or in the Seattle region.