Submitted by Caterina Rost on November 12, 2015 - 10:36am
Calling for Mentors and STEM enthusiasts who want to expand participation of STEM youth in Seattle!
The Dream Project and the 3DL Partnership are partnering with Neighborhood House High Point Center in West Seattle on an exciting new program called STUDIO. As STUDIO mentors, we engage middle-school and high-school youth in tinkering activities, art, health literacy, and opportunities to learn about STEM in higher education and careers.
Mentors attend hands-on sessions with youth and support them to develop habits of mind for learning and succeeding in STEM, school, and life.
Here’s how to sign up:
- Mentor at Neighborhood House from 3.30 – 6.30pm on Tinker Tuesday (High school) or Workin’ Wednesday (Middle school). Includes transport and transportation time!
- Join a 1-hour seminar on Friday 3.30 pm – 4.20pm. For credit (1- 3 credits per quarter), register for EDUC 421A, SLN 13840 (VLPA & I&S) with Leslie Herrenkohl
- Two quarter commitment preferred
- Fill out an interest survey at so that we can tailor our seminar content to you!
- Email Meixi Ng at for an add code or with any questions.
- Watch what we do here!