How do journalists decide the environmental stories they write? How do advocates walk the line between “truth” and propaganda?
Is a picture really worth a thousand words and can the right picture help produce positive environmental change? What’s Twitter all about and how can I use it professionally?
These questions will be addressed in ENVIR 495F: Environmental Communication, Messaging & Outreach with instructor P. Sean McDonald. Register for his course, have fun, learn!
Course details:
ENVIR 495F: Environmental Communication, Messaging & Outreach
TTh 3:30p–4:50p
3 credits
Open to ALL majors (and counts towards Perspectives Human & Social Dimensions for Environmental Studies majors).
Learn how to put communications theory into practice and listen to guest speakers who are communications professionals. Focus on individual networking and marketing, presentation skills, and professional environmental communication for science, policy, advocacy, and business.