Want to take a course in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences? Of course you do! Learn about aquatic predators, disappearing habitats, environmental contaminants, and more.
These courses fulfill either NW or I&S!
FISH 101 Water and Society (5cr) - MWF 9:30-10:20 plus quiz (times vary)
NW/I&S, no prerequisites
Instructors: Julian Olden (olden@uw.edu) & Daniel Schindler (deschind@uw.edu)
FISH 455 Fish and Wildlife Toxicology (3 or 5 cr) - TTh 9:30-11:20, T 1:30-4:20 (5cr course only)
NW, no prerequisites
Overview of fish/wildlife toxicology: history of the field; regulations; methods used to assess risks contaminants pose to fish/wildlife; classes of contaminants and their direct, sublethal and indirect effects; and contemporary threats of contaminants to fish/wildlife, their habitats and prey.
Instructor: Christian Grue (cgrue@uw.edu)