One of the highlights of the Political Science Department's graduation celebration is the undergraduate student speech. Giving this speech is a special opportunity to reflect with your fellow graduates on your experiences at UW and to share thoughts about your education. Political Science invites submissions from students who have graduated or will graduate from Summer 2015 through Summer 2016.
The deadline to submit your speech is Sunday, May 15th. Speeches are to be no more than 500 words (about 5 minutes to deliver) and must be written to appeal to a diverse audience of fellow students, family, and friends. There is no set theme, but the best speeches express your experiences and insights; the worst speeches string together cliches about graduation.
Go to for more details. The Political Science Department will choose the speaker and then will help the speaker to polish their speech and practice delivering it.
If you have questions about the convocation or the undergraduate speech, please contact Political Science Advising at or 543-1824, or stop in to see us in SMI 215.