Submitted by Caterina Rost on May 18, 2016 - 9:41am
A and B Term
NEAR E 429 Islamic Mystical Literature in English (5) VLPA
Readings from the works of principal Sufi writers and poets.
Readings from the works of principal Sufi writers and poets.
A Term
NEAR E 268 Introduction to the Silk Road (5) I&S
Introduces students to the Silk Road as a site of cultural exchange between peoples, and of political, economic, and intellectual exchange between regions and continents. Themes include ecology, empire, ethnicity, language, religion, and the arts. Considers the Silk Road as a forerunner and symbol of modern globalization. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 268.
Introduces students to the Silk Road as a site of cultural exchange between peoples, and of political, economic, and intellectual exchange between regions and continents. Themes include ecology, empire, ethnicity, language, religion, and the arts. Considers the Silk Road as a forerunner and symbol of modern globalization. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 268.
B Term
NEAR E 202 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Old Testament (5) VLPA/I&SExamines the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in translation and its relationship with literatures of ancient Near East. Comparisons drawn between Biblical text and literary works of Canaan, Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia. Emphasis on the sophisticated literary techniques employed by Biblical writers. Cannot be taken for credit if credit earned in NEAR E 240. Offered: jointly with JSIS C 240.
NEAR E 266 The Modern Middle East and Central Asia (5) I&S
Ethnographic overview of Muslim societies in the middle east and central Asia from various anthropological perspectives. Examines the unity and diversity of Muslim communities and acquaints students with the significant linguistic, cultural, and political diversity of Muslim societies. Helps students develop an understanding of Islam as a lived experience.
Ethnographic overview of Muslim societies in the middle east and central Asia from various anthropological perspectives. Examines the unity and diversity of Muslim communities and acquaints students with the significant linguistic, cultural, and political diversity of Muslim societies. Helps students develop an understanding of Islam as a lived experience.