AutoDesk Circuits
Friday, July 29, 2016
3pm - 6pm
Want to build custom electronics into your next project? Join us at UW’s CoMotion MakerSpace as we use Autodesk Circuits to design, simulate, and customize a complete electronics project, including an Arduino-based (ATTiny) microcontroller, NeoPixel LEDs, switches, and an infrared receiver/transmitter. Then take that project from virtual prototype to reality with real components. RSVP here:
Fusion 360
Thursday, July 28, 2016
12pm - 3pm
Ready to take your designs to the next level with photo-realistic rendering, simulation, laser-cutting, or CNC machining? Learn about the next steps in designing and making your projects with Fusion 360 – we’ll cover some powerful professional features, as well as run through a quick getting started follow-along exercise. So feel free to bring your laptops to join along, or just join us to watch and discuss! RSVP: