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A State Divided: Washington Poll Results Discussed on KCTS 9

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on October 27, 2016 - 4:48pm
Professor Christopher Parker with Enrique Cerna
Professor Christopher Parker with Enrique Cerna

On October 27, 2016, KCTS 9 published results from the KCTS 9/Crosscut/Washington Poll, which is directed by UW Political Science Professor Christopher S. Parker. The key finding of the poll, which was conducted during the time period from October 6 to 13, is that “views on the initiatives and candidates of the 2016 election vary based mostly on region and party affiliation.” Specifically, there is an East-West divide as the Puget Sound region contrasts with the Eastern Washington region of the state. When it came to deciding between the candidates who are facing off in Washington state, respondents based their choice heavily on partisan attachments. The poll also solicited respondents’ views of the Washington state legislature, the U.S. Congress, and Donald Trump’s wall proposal among other issues.  

The article by Joseph Liu entitled “New Poll Finds Washington State Often Divided by Region and Political Parties on Many Key Issues” includes graphics and detailed breakdowns for a variety of key questions that the 750 respondents were asked to answer.  Professor Parker also sat down with KCTS 9’s Enrique Cerna to discuss the results of the poll (watch the video). Finally, Enrique Cerna and Professor Parker were joined by political analyst Joni Balter to break down the top takeaways from the poll in a podcast (listen to the audio).
