EDC&I 352
Many people decide to become teachers in order to “make a difference” in the lives of young people or to “give something back” to their community. These are easy phrases to say, but carrying them through is not easy.
This course explores what is really involved in teaching that attempts to make a powerful difference in the lives of young people. In this course, we will think about the value structures and political decisions that underlie any system of education and schooling, and examine how these aspects of schooling can lead to inequalities based on race, class, and gender. We will examine how schools maintain and perpetuate structural inequalities and about the material and psychic consequences of inequality on students, families, and communities. As well, we will delve into the theory and practice of love in transforming schools to produce life affirming, peaceful, and just communities for young people.
For more info contact: Prof. Filiberto Barajas-López, barajasf@uw.edu