Submitted by Caterina Rost on January 3, 2017 - 12:58pm
Winter 2017
AIS 475 B
The Ongoing Psychological Colonization of Indigenous Peoples
Instructor: Stephanie Fryberg
MW 11:30 - 1:20 pm
Historical practices mandated the cultural assimilation and colonization of North American Indigenous peoples, but according to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, the inevitable legacy of colonialism is likely to influence every aspect of the lives of the subjugated persons for eternity. This course will examine 1) the foundations of psychological colonization and 2) how understanding these foundations can provide a roadmap for ameliorating the ongoing disruptions to self and identity development, families, education, and the future development of tribal communities. Theoretical and empirical evidence will be drawn from the experiences of indigenous communities in the U.S. and Canada, and at times from other colonized groups from around the world. A central issues throughout the course is whether and how the techniques and technologies of contemporary psychology should be appropriately adapted and/or adopted for use in Indigenous cultural communities. This course is designed for upper-level students who have had at least one course in American Indian Studies.