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Information meeting about Early Fall Exploration Seminar (20 Aug-16 Sept) in London. Wed. 1:30 B-13 Padelford (Grad Lounge).

Submitted by Caterina Rost on January 31, 2017 - 1:26pm
English Dept London flyer

London in Times of Crisis and Change

ENGL 259, Literature and Social Difference,
VLPA, DIV, W credit available byarrangement,
5 cr. Peter Buckroyd, William Streitberger

Great Britain, like many of its European neighbors, has had its fair share of crisis and change. Reading about it is one thing. Visiting the sites where the change took place is an invaluable addition to understanding the past and, in part, the present. We’ll begin with Shakespeare’s age and end with Brexit. In each of the four weeks there will be a discussion of the week’s reading in the classroom before our site visits which are designed to complement and bring the readings to life. The goal of this course is to help students becomes more informed about the great crises in London’s culture and their effect in shaping modern London 

Program fee of $3,500 includes room, breakfast and dinner, London transport pass, fees and admissions to course related sites. It do not include airfare or lunches. For futher inormation visit the Study Abroad website: 2017 Exploration Seminars under ‘England.’ Or contact William Streitberger (streitwr@uw/edu).

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