Q SCI Summer Quarter
Register for the Q SCI ‘super summer’ schedule to get a foundation in calculus and statistics for environmental or biological sciences. Work on your quantitative skills in a small-classroom environment with the following courses. You can register for any course individually or take the set for a complete summer schedule. All of these courses can apply to a Minor in Quantitative Science - see attached planning sheet for details.
Q SCI 291: Analysis for Biologists I
Pre-reqs (same as MATH 124): MATH 120, 153-163 on the MPT-AS test, or a minimum score of 2 on the AP test.
Schedule: Summer A Term: MTWThF 8:30-10:40
Instructor: Amita Banerjee
Amita Banerjee is a PhD student with the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences under Dr. Elizabeth van Volkenburgh. Amita is interested in statistical modelling of photosynthesis and leaf architecture in corn and bean. She has been a part of QSCI courses (291, 381 and 482) and loves teaching.
Q SCI 292: Analysis for Biologists II
Pre-reqs: Q SCI 291 or MATH 124
Schedule: Summer B Term: MTWThF 8:30-10:40
Instructor: TBD
Q SCI 381: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Pre-reqs: either MATH 120, MATH 124, Q SCI 291, 153-163 on the MPT-AS test, or a minimum score of 2 on the AP test.
Schedule: Summer (whole term): MTWThF 1050-1150
Instructor: Daniel Feinberg
Daniel Feinberg is a PhD student in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, under the advisement of Dr. Clare Ryan. His research interests include urban ecology and environmental policy. He is also passionate about teaching and has enjoyed holding six TA positions with the Center for Quantitative Science prior to instructing Q SCI 381.
For more information about Q SCI courses, registration for summer, or the Q SCI minor, contact Q SCI Minor Adviser Joe Kobayashi at cqs@uw.edu.