Summer Course to Unique Quebec -June 13-20, 2017
Comparative Urban Planning and Urban Design: Quebec, Canada and the U.S.
L Arch 495 --- 3 to 6 credits
w/URBDP 498C
w/URBDP 598C Canada Field Studies
Open to Juniors, Seniors, and Grad Students
If at all possible, please register no later than May 15,2017
ThecoursewillexaminesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenU.S.andQuebec cities. We will look more particularly at current urban issues confronting communities in Canada. We will study the physical layout of cities, urban design, and urban growth, problems related to the environment, governmental institutions as well as historical, social and cultural factors specific to Quebec cities. Students will write a paper on a topic related to urban issues encountered in Canada. Cities to be visited are Montreal and Quebec City.
The estimatedcostofthetrip: is $1,200.
$200 scholarshipsareavailable for first 10 students.Students pay $100 for Global Affairs support, airfare, meals, lodging and ground transportation in addition to tuition. Personal items are your responsibility.
For further information contact Professor Wagner. To register contact Diana Siembor in UDP or JoAnne Edwards in Landscape Architecture.