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Summer Course: Reading the Elwha: Tracing the Dynamics of Landscape Change

Submitted by Caterina Rost on April 24, 2017 - 12:04pm

Announcement from the UW Department of Landscape Architecture:

Reading the Elwha: Tracing the Dynamics of Landscape Change

LARCH 498A/598A - Summer, B term

July 24th - 28th + one pre-departure planning meeting

Reading the Elwha (LARCH 498/598) is a field course offered during the University of Washington Summer 'B' term. The Elwha River watershed is on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, and is the location of two recent dam removal projects. Through daily hikes and in-field meetings with local scientists, land managers, and tribal members the students engage in an ongoing dialogue investigating the idea of Nature and our evolving ethical relationships to the environment.

For more information about the class please contact Ken Yocom ( or attend the informational meeting:

Monday, May 01, 1200-100pm in Gould Hall, Room 100

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