Announcement from the UW Department of Astronomy:
Looking for a great way to earn Natural World (NW) or Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) credits this summer? Consider taking an astronomy class from one of our award-winning instructors! Both classes are for the full Summer Quarter.
ASTR 101 – Introduction to Astronomy
Astronomy 101 will give you an introduction to stars, galaxies and the universe, with more emphasis on conceptual than on mathematical comprehension. The course covers modern theories, observations; ideas concerning nature, evolution of galaxies; quasars, stars, black holes, planets, and the solar system. Not open for credit to students who have taken ASTR 102 or ASTR 301; not open to upper-division students majoring in physical sciences or engineering.
5 credits (NW, QSR)
ASTR 150 – The Planets
Astronomy 150 is for liberal arts and beginning science students. Survey of the planets of the solar system, with emphases on recent space exploration of the planets and on the comparative evolution of the Earth and the other planets.
5 credits (NW only)