UW Political Science Professor Aseem Prakash authored an article for the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog along with University of Amsterdam Assistant Professor and former UW graduate student Sijeong Lim. In the article, Prakash and Lim address what we have learned following the collapse of a factory building in Bangladesh in 2013 that killed more than 1,100 workers. Specifically, they focus on “the economics and politics behind industrial accidents” addressing four key questions:
- “Why do such industrial accidents take place?
- Don’t corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts protect workers?
- How do economic downturns factor into worker safety?
- Can we prevent these ‘preventable’ accidents?”
The article titled “Four years after one of the worst industrial accidents ever; what have we learned?” appeared on The Washington Post website on April 24, 2017. The Monkey Cage is a blog that relies upon political science research “to make sense of the circus that is politics.” It was named 2010 Blog of the Year by The Week and a 2012 Best Blog by Time.