Announcement from the UW Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies:
2017 Featured Fall Quarter Course Offerings
GWSS 252: Black Gender: Manhood and Womanhood in the African American Community (5) I&S/VLPA, Bettina Judd,
This course engages the complexities of racial and gender identities within Black communities. We question the concepts of manhood and womanhood and their intersection with racial constructs as categories of personhood through the critical lens of Africana/African American Studies and Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies.
GWSS 290: From the Headlines: Protest and Spectacle, From Ferguson to College Campuses (5) I&S, Chandan Reddy,
This course will study the relationship between race, gender and violence in the U.S. We will seek to understand why in U.S. society there continues to be a grossly disproportionately arrest, incarceration and state killing of Black, Latino and Native men and women, despite the victories of Civil Rights or the election of the country’s first Black president.
GWSS 391: Collaborations in Feminism and Technology (5), I&S Cricket Keating,
We will examine feminist theories of technology and social change, ways that activists have used technology to build coalitions across diverse contexts, and links between the “do it yourself” approach to social movement and open-source ethics in technology cultures. Course topics include: identity and subjectivity; technological activism; gender, race and sexualities; place; labor; ethics; and the transformative potentials of new technologies.
GWSS 451: Latina Cultural Production (5), VLPA/I&S, Michelle Habell-Pallan,
Explores the expressive culture of Chicana/Mexican American/Latina women in the United States. Cultural and artistic practices in home and in literary, music, film, spoken word, performing and visual arts. Focuses on how Chicana/Latina writers and artists re-envision traditional iconography.
GWSS 490: Black Feminist Thought (5), I&S, Bettina Judd, In order to understand the growing body of scholarship that is Black feminist theory, we will analyze the development of U.S. Black women’s feminist consciousness from the mid-19th century to the present through the essays, speeches, and creative work that has named the complex systems of power which affect the lives of Black women on the primary intersections of race, gender and class. We will examine closely the important contributions of Black feminist thought to the fields of African American and Africana Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies through concepts developed by Black feminist scholars such as intersectionality.