We have a bounty of VLPA credits in Slavic L&L! If your advisees are looking for an open VLPA course taught by a top-notch professor, I have the answer for you: SLAVIC 490, Studies in Slavic Literatures.
Course Description:
What makes a novel so special that it ends up on the "10 Books I Must Have on a Desert Island" list of generations upon generations of readers across the world? We shall look at a few very special novels and at the relationship between their aesthetic excellence and their long-lasting popularity. Writers include Hemingway, Baldwin, Steinbeck, Hrabal, Krleza, Õnnepalu, and Szabó. While the course may briefly engage some major classic theories of the novel (e.g., by Frye or Bakhtin), it will chiefly be centered on an in-depth study and close reading of the literary works.
Reading List:
Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises
Miroslav Krleza: On the Edge of Reason
James Baldwin: Giovanni's Room
John Steinbeck: The Winter of Our Discontent
Bohumil Hrabal: Too Loud a Solitude
Magda Szabó: The Door
Tõnu Õnnepalu: Border State nu Onnepalu: Border State