"Four years ago, Christopher Parker, an African American political scientist at the University of Washington, wrote in the American Prospect, a liberal journal, 'makes it impossible for whites to deny the existence of racism in America….His success clashes with many white American’s vision of the United States as a fair and just place.' Those words seem prescient today, after four years of President Trump’s racism, from the 'very fine people' marching with neo-Nazis Charlottesville to, in just the past week, a 'white power' retweet and threat to veto defense spending to protect the names of Confederate generals."
The reckoning Parker foresaw is now upon us. White women, disgusted by Trump’s cruelty, are abandoning him in large numbers. White liberals, stunned by the brazen racism, have taken to the streets. And signs point to African American turnout in November that will rival the record level of 2012, when Obama was on the ballot. This, by itself, would flip Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to Democrats, an analysis by the liberal Center for American Progress shows. Surprisingly high Democratic turnout in recent contests in Wisconsin, Georgia, Kentucky, and Colorado points to the possibility of a building wave.