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Ph.D. Candidate Beatrice Magistro on F1 VISA Situation for International Students

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on July 8, 2020 - 1:56pm

Graduate student Beatrice Magistro give us a personal account of how the recent F1 VISA for International Students decision by the Trump Administration may not be in the best interest for the students and the U.S.

"After President Trump’s recent executive order suspending the new issuance of several ICE announced that foreign students under F and M visa may not remain in the US if they exclusively take online classes in the Fall. The recent measures regarding J-1 visas and F-1 visas, if taken a few years ago, would have not made my experience in this country possible. With the stroke of a pen my exchange year would have been canceled entirely and so would my doctoral student career."

Please link here for the full piece.
