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Prof. Aseem Prakash on Forbes, "Nomadland, Economic Disruption, And The Need For 'Just Climate Transition'”

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on April 13, 2021 - 10:23am

On Forbes web site Prof. Aseem Prakash and colleague Prof. Nives Dolšak write that the switch from fossil fuels for our energy needs should be a careful one, else societal disruptions will cause a backlash.

"....As the world moves away from fossil fuels – which it should – the ensuing economic dislocation could ignite a backlash. As we discuss below, this is why 'just transition' policies should be a top political priority in climate policy design.

Without 'just transition', decarbonization policies will likely inflict severe costs on fossil-fuel industries. Companies will go bankrupt, workers will lose jobs, and pensioners will no longer receive company-guaranteed benefits. With reduced purchasing power, local businesses will close and downtowns will be boarded up. Serious social and public health challenges will emerge."

Please link here for the full article.
