Prof. Aseem Prakash and colleague Prof. Nives Dolšak thoughts on how the United Kingdom's new monarch can make change using his newest influence.
"King Charles III has been proclaimed the British monarch. In an interview at the 2020 World Economic Forum meeting, (then the Prince of Wales) Charles noted: 'We can't go on like this, with every month another record in temperatures being broken ... Do we want to go down in history as the people who did nothing to bring the world back from the brink in time to restore the balance when we could have done? I don't want to.'
Perhaps, King Charles III should start thinking about how he would like to go down in history. We suggest he has an excellent opportunity to distinguish himself as the climate monarch while respecting the boundaries and duties of the monarchy. To start with he could switch the Royal automobile fleet to EVs and drastically reduce Buckingham palace’s carbon footprint."