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SMEA 201 Advertising

Submitted by Junhee Park on February 8, 2023 - 10:26am

I am very excited to offer my Climate Governance (ENVIR/SMEA201) course this spring. (MW, 3:30 – 4:50 pm; discussion sessions Th or F). SSc/NSc, DVI

Solving the problems of climate change requires that individuals like you and me, communities, firms, NGOs, and governments change what we currently do. But unfortunately, most people and organizations are reluctant to change, especially when such changes impose costs. So, how can we then avert the climate crisis? And, how do we pay for climate action so that we do not harm disadvantaged and historically marginalized communities? To answer these questions, we will draw on many sources. We will read analyses written by atmospheric scientists, biologists, ecologists, economists, energy experts, geographers, political scientists, public health experts, sociologists, and others. We will research statements made by environmental organizations, climate advocates, firms, labor unions, and governments. We will explore newspapers and social media. We will examine data. And, we will discuss and identify areas where we can make a change.

Here is what students said about the course in the past: 

“The lectures were mindblowing and new information I never knew about it. It kinda made me rethink what I knew.”

“This was one of the best classes I’ve taken at UW. I learned things that I can actually move forward with. Professor Dolsak is probably in the top five professors I’ve had at the UW, she genuinely cares about discussion, learning, and connections rather than giving out grades.”

“This class was intellectually stimulating and stretched my thinking. I went into this course knowing little to nothing about climate governance and now I think I have a better grasp of the subject.”

“Because of this course I feel well informed on the major aspects of climate change and climate action, including how climate change works and what federal gov, state gov, NGOs, firms, and individuals are doing to tackle climate change.”

“Nives was probably my favorite teacher I’ve ever had. Made me think about why I thought the way I did.”

If you are interested in learning more, you can access the 2022 syllabus here. I hope you join me this spring. I have been studying climate change policy for 20 years, and every day I learn something new.


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