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Please share! SPR23 Course Highlights - Slavic

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on March 14, 2023 - 2:57pm

The Slavic department has two Spring quarter courses we would like to spread the word about – if you could share/forward this course information to your students, it would be most appreciated!



POLSH 320: Community, Gender, Politics: Food in Polish Contemporary Art

Instructor: Agata Stronciwilk

MW 12:30pm - 2:20pm

5 credits, A&H, SSc     


SLN: 19168

Description: Why does food appear so often in Polish art? What are the cultural/symbolic meanings of food?  In this class we will discuss the relationship between food and politics, using American and Eastern European artists for context, with work that is thought-provoking and sometimes controversial. We will also design a virtual exhibition connected with the course topic. Bon Appetit! Smacznego!

RUSS 424: Other Voices in Russian Literature


WF 12:30pm - 2:20pm

Instructor: José Alaniz

5 credits, A&H or SSC


SLN: 19646

Description: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, 2022 has launched a profound reassessment of how we in the West engage with and teach Russian history, literature and culture. That makes this course extremely timely and valuable. We will examine authors in the Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet empires who speak from outside of or in resistance to its imperialist ethos, many of them representing non-Russian ethnicities, including Chechen, Georgian, Kazakh and Kyrgyz. We will spend a significant portion of the course on contemporary Ukrainian authors and how their works reflect the ongoing tragic conflict sparked by Russian aggression, and discuss what a post-colonial Russian literature might look like. All readings in English translation.   

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