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Winter 2024 A&H Class: Drama 270: Theater for Social Change

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on November 1, 2023 - 12:58pm
This course explores a range of performance practices, styles, and forms through which theatre has been uniquely successful in advocating, envisioning, and staging political and social change.    It is not so much a course on social issues themselves, but on the genres of social change that contain them.   It is about the ‘how’ of change.

Rallies, protests, ‘actions’ all speak to individuals with a proclivity toward change.  Participants are there because there is already a will.  How to speak to those without the will is the challenge of theatre for social change.   Socially engaged, activist theatre is not a contemporary invention.   For hundreds of years theatre in many forms has been reaching out across constituencies with a variety of approaches.  We will consider some of the more successful forms.

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