Prof. Aseem Prakash and colleague Prof. Nives Dolšak note in Forbes magazine that leading by example can have profound impacts in the climate conversation.
Swift was named the top celebrity CO2 polluter in 2022, according to the Daily Mail—which also reports she will retain this title in 2023. Swift’s spokesperson has contested the 2022 claim, and the response is available here.
Some might wonder, why pick on Taylor Swift?
Celebrities should recognize that fame bestows power, and with power, comes responsibility. Arguably, Swift is socially responsible because she does talk about climate change. Newsweek notes, “Swift's lyrics frequently reference nature, and she has been a public advocate for several environmental causes, including global clean water access and protecting endangered wildlife. She also called climate change one of the ‘horrific situations’ plaguing the world.”
The Swift carbon footprint issue could probably inform our New Year resolutions, assuming you are thinking of making one. Here’s our pitch. As a consumer, I will make conscious efforts to reduce my carbon footprint. As a citizen, I will support politicians, sport stars, and entertainment celebrities who practice carbon frugality.
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