LSJ 200 A Intro to Law, Societies & Justice SSc| (5 credits) 14141 | Summer A-Term | Synchronous | MTWTH 2:20-4:30pm
LSJ 321 A/ANTH 323 A Human Rights Law in Culture & Practice SSc, DIV| (5 credits) 11985/10122 | Summer A-Term | Asynchronous lectures with synchronous meetings on Tuesdays 10am-11:50am.
LSJ 367 A/POL S 367 A Comparative Law and Courts SSc | (5 credits) 14184/14183 | Summer Full-Term | Asynchronous
LSJ 491 A, SSc (5 credits) 11997 | Special Topics: Homelessness | Summer A-Term | Synchronous | MTWTh 12pm-2:10pm
LSJ 491 B, SSc (5 credits) 14118 | Special Topics: Social Movements in a Global Context | Summer Full-Term | Synchronous | TTh 10:30am-12:30pm
LSJ 491 C, SSc (5 credits) 14142 | Special Topics: Sex, Rights, and Politics | Summer Full-Term | Synchronous | MW 2:20pm -4:20pm