Submitted by Stephen Dunne on October 22, 2024 - 1:56pm
ENTRE Digest | October 22nd, 2024
ATTEND: Students & Startups: Team Tuesday Meetups
Tuesday, October 29 | 12:00 - 1:30 pm PDT (come any time)
Location Varies, this week in Startup Hall (Condon 2nd Floor)
Location Varies, this week in Startup Hall (Condon 2nd Floor)
Calling all student innovators and changemakers! Grab some lunch with the Buerk Center on one or more Tuesdays to connect with other students from disciplines across campus who are interested in solving problems through innovation and ideation. This is a great chance to share skills and interests on the way to forming a team for one of the Buerk Center competitions!
Open to all registered UW students | Register Now
ATTEND: What’s the Future of Textile Waste Symposium
Thursday, October 29th, 5:00pm – 9:00 pm / Anthony’s Forum, Dempsey Hall, 302
What's The Future of Textile Waste Symposium - Exploring the Intersections of Environmental Impact, Citizen Behavior and Sustainable Fashion. Our symposium event is an exciting opportunity to bring together thought leaders, industry experts, passionate advocates, UW students, and the community. This free event will be a combination of panel conversations, lightening talks and a textile waste demonstration. This event is presented by The Chayah Movement in partnership with the UW Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship's Environmental Innovation Challenge.
Questions? E-mail Lauren Brohawn at | Register Here
ATTEND: Digital Health Lunch & Learn: Healthcare Delivery
Wednesday, October 30th, 12:00pm – 1:00 pm / Founders Hall Innovation Suite, 490
Hospitals and clinics are brimming with digital technologies - from electronic medical records to telehealth platforms to chatbots - but what impact do they actually have on patient care? In this lunch-and-learn session, our panel will discuss the unique opportunities for digital health to make an impact in patient experience, access to care, and provider workflows. Attendees will also learn about upcoming opportunities on campus, including the 2024 Digital Health Innovation Workshop and the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge. Space is limited, so register today!
ATTEND: Info Session: Funding Your Prototype
Wednesday, October 30th, 3:00pm – 4:00 pm / Startup Hall
Do you have a novel product idea that you are ready to bring to life? Are you interested in applying to the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge and/or Environmental Innovation Challenge? Prototype funding is back this year to help you get your model/prototype ready for the 2025 Challenges. Whether you are working in a technical, medical, consumer, environmental, digital, or another space, awards are available between $500 and $2,500! Some restrictions apply. Start your application now and join us for an optional info session at Startup Hall on this year’s prototype funding application process and what it means to enter a startup competition.
ATTEND: WE Lead Workshop: #IamRemarkable
Wednesday, November 6th, 2:00pm – 4:00 pm / Startup Hall (2nd Floor of Condon Hall)
Imposter syndrome. Stereotypes. Culture. For many reasons, it can be hard to share our achievements, but the ability to share your personal and professional accomplishments helps boost self-esteem, increase others’ awareness of your skills and accomplishments, and is an important part of career progression. Join this workshop to learn and practice speaking openly about your accomplishments! Snacks provided!
Have a great week all!