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Prof. Victor Menaldo in The UW Daily, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and online at KCBS

Submitted by Stephen Dunne on November 4, 2024 - 1:13pm
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Capitol bldg

Prof. Victor Menaldo completing a trifecta of media coverage: print (and online), radio, and interview about his new book.

In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "David Shribman: Whoever wins, everyone will rethink everything ",

The American political struggle will not end Tuesday...

But it doesn’t mean what you think it means.

It doesn’t mean that the election won’t be resolved by midnight Tuesday, though that could be true...No matter who wins the election, the party that loses will re-evaluate its values, its profile, its procedures. But so will the party that wins.

“If the Democrats lose they will have a ‘come-to-Jesus’ moment and, really, you can already see the strains in the party,” said Victor Menaldo....

Prof. Menaldo was interviewed on KCBS, "America's political divide is being exacerbated by innovation inequality."

And in The UW Daily about his forthcoming book, "New book by UW’s Victor Menaldo and Nicolas Wittstock lends perspective to innovation’s role in political culture",

UW professor of political science Victor Menaldo and recent doctoral graduate Nicholas Wittstock collaborated together to release their book “U.S. Innovation Inequality and Trumpism: The Political Economy of Technology Deserts in a Knowledge Economy.” The book examines how the divide in innovation throughout the country has impacted political parties and elections, specifically in regards to the rise of former President Donald Trump’s power.

“I was very puzzled because the existing explanations for why Trump had done much better than expected in 2016 were not very satisfying,” Menaldo said. “I just found them to be lacking in scientific rigor.”
