Submitted by Andy Yun on January 13, 2025 - 1:59pm
The UW Center for Human Rights has funding for undergraduate and graduate students working on human rights related research or projects! Funds are open to students across all three UW campuses, US citizenship or permanent resident status not required, with applications opening up February 10 - March 17, 2025. Funds are dispersed during spring quarter 2025. Join an upcoming info session to learn more.
We have three main funds students can apply to..
1) The Osheroff and Clark Fund provides financial resources for...
- Undergraduate and graduate students
- Priority to projects focusing on promoting social change through direct action
- Approximately $4,700 available to distribute
2) The Mack and Mayerfeld Fund provides financial resources for...
- Graduate students
- Priority to study and/or research about human rights
- Approximately $10,000 available to distribute
3) The Dr. Lisa Sable Brown Fund provides financial resources for...
- Graduate students
- Priority given to research that advocates for the abolition of modern day slavery in its many forms
- Approximately $10,000 available to distribute
You can find more info on our website here, including registration for upcoming info sessions about the funding, and reports from past fund recipients.