Submitted by Stephen Dunne on January 15, 2025 - 11:31am
There is still space available in L Arch 498C Perceptions of Nature in the Dense City for this quarter - the class only meets once a week, so if students are able to attend the session this evening, it should be pretty easy to catch up. More information below
L Arch 498C: Perceptions of Nature in the Dense City
Laure Heland
3 credits
W 6:00-8:50
3 credits
W 6:00-8:50
There is a current trend to design green environments and infrastructure in dense cities, which claim to be “Natural” or “representing Nature.” What is the “Nature” that designers and planners are referring to – and for what purpose? Is Nature a pristine condition in an untouched environment or can it be hybridization of human and natural systems? How do such definitions and perceptions impact both professional approaches, and the public acceptance of new design idioms?