Alumnus (Graduated)Contact Fields of Interest Feminism and Feminist TheoryImmigrationIncarcerationLaborMinority and Race PoliticsPolitical TheoryPostcolonialPublic LawRace and EthnicitySocial Movements BiographyM.A, Political Science, University of Washington B.A., Politics, Whitman CollegeCourses Taught Spring 2020 POL S 202 - Introduction to American Politics Winter 2020 POL S 317/LSJ 331 - The Politics of Race and Ethnicity in the United States Autumn 2019 POL S 368/LSJ 320 International Human Rights Spring 2019 POL S 249/SOC 266/HSTCMP 249 - Introduction to Labor Studies Winter 2018 POL S 201 - Introduction to Political Theory Fall 2018 POL S 201 - Introduction to Political Theory Spring 2024 POL S 273 A: The Concept of Political Power Autumn 2023 POL S 595 A: College Teaching of Political Science Summer 2022 Full-term POL S 273 A: The Concept of Political Power