Graduate StudentContact Informationechrist2@uw.eduPlease contact via email Fields of Interest American PoliticsFeminism and Feminist TheoryPolitical TheoryRace and Ethnicity Research Selected Research Walker, Hannah L., Rebecca U. Thorpe, Emily K. Christensen, and J. P. Anderson. "The hidden subsidies of rural prisons: Race, space and the politics of cumulative disadvantage." Punishment & Society, vol. 19, no. 4, 2017, pp. 393-416. Courses Taught Summer 2019 Full-term POL S 281 A: Literature and American Political Culture Winter 2019 POL S 201 A: Introduction to Political Theory Summer 2018 Full-term POL S 201 A: Introduction to Political Theory Spring 2017 POL S 202 AF: Introduction To American Politics POL S 202 AG: Introduction To American Politics Related News Related News Graduate Students Pursue a Unique Teaching Opportunity at the Monroe Correctional Complex - June 29, 2017