Fields of Interest
Jessica Sciarone is a Political Science PhD Candidate at the University of Washington. She received her Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the Radboud University in Nijmegen in 2013, her Master of Arts in Intelligence and International Security from King's College London in 2015, her Master of Science in Crisis and Security Management from Leiden University in 2016, and her Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of Washington in 2022.
Jessica's primary research project investigates how extremist ideas spread. She examines this question by developing a novel theoretical framework, investigating the role of culture, national identity and national myth in advancing the spread of extremist ideas.
Her other research focuses on the nexus of gender and radicalization, with a special interest in far-right extremism. Her research project: "When Women Are Right: Radicalization Pathways of Women Towards Far-Right Extremist Networks in the United States" addressed the pathways of far-right extremist radicalization. Here, she found that these women are motivated by, and radicalized through, perceived threats to their status. Such threats need not be real and can be derived from real political and cultural events, or conspiracy theories.
Jessica also has an interest in queer studies, and she is currently working on a research project titled "Comparative Homonationalism and the Far-Right: How Dutch and American Neofascist Ideologies Imagine Queer Citizenships" (with Jana Foxe). This project examines the variation in the degrees of inclusion that far-right political parties have for queer and trans citizens in their home countries, and the varying strategies of co-optation of support and votes from the LGB Community.