Graduate student Hind Ahmed Zaki and Prof. Angelina Godoy (Director of the Center for Human Rights, and Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science), were recognized last week as "Women of Courage" by the UW Women's Center for their advocacy of human rights.
Matt Barreto and The Washington Poll in The Seattle P-I regarding I-1125 and I-1183.
Research by Aseem Prakash, Brian Greenhill (UW PhD, Assistant Professor at Dartmouth College) and Layna Mosley of the University of North Carolina was subject of an Op-Ed in the New York times by Layna Mosley.
Luis Fraga has just been named by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the Top 100 Hispanic Influentials in the United States for which he is one of eight named in the education division.
Luis Fraga was at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Friday October 21st speaking about the APSA Presidential Task Force Report on Political Science in the 21st Century. Luis co-chaired the task force along with Terri Givens . The report is available through the APSA website.
Christopher Parker quoted on the Axcess News site article, " Tea party fuels rise of Herman Cain. So how can it be racist?"
Christopher Parker in Slate regarding the Tea Party, "Black Swan: The surprise rise of Herman Cain has the Tea Party asking: “Who’s racist now?"
W. Lance Bennett, PhD, of the University of Washington, recently had his article ranked among the Journal of Communication’s top-cited articles of 2010. Bennett’s article, titled “A New Era of Minimal Effects? The Changing Foundations of Political Communication”, was published in the Journal of Communication 58:4 in 2008.
Aseem Prakash and Mary Kay Gugerty have received a 2 year grant ($154K) from the National Science Foundation for their project, The Global Emergence of NGO & Nonprofit Voluntary Regulation.
Peter May one of sixteen UW faculty members name to the state academy of sciences.
Aseem Prakash and co-authors win APSA Award. The paper, "Contingent Convergence (or Divergence): Unpacking the Linkages between Labor Rights and Foreign Direct Investment," co-authored by Brian Greenhill, Layna Mosley, and Aseem Prakash has been named as 2011 Labor Project Best Paper. They will receive the prize at the 2011 APSA meeting.
Jamie Mayerfeld Op-Ed in the Seattle Times regarding Guantánamo Bay detainees
GPSS has chosen Susanne Recordon from Political Science for the Graduate Program Assistant of the Year Award. Congratulations Susanne!
13th Annual Political Science Convocation
Political Science Department has four winners in the 2011 UW Awards in Excellence.
Jack Turner delivered a paper entitled "James Baldwin and Democratic Reconstitution" at the American Democracy Forum at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, on May 25.
Luis Fraga has been appointed by President Obama to President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. The Commission is charged with identifying ways to raise academic achievement among Hispanic students. Luis is one of seven people from academe on the 15-member Commission. He was sworn in as a member of the Commission on May 26th by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Ann Buscherfeld is one of the recipients of this year's Distinguished Staff Award. This is the highest award given to staff in the University and a fitting tribute to the lasting contributions that Ann has made to the Department, College, and University. She will be formally receiving the award in June at the annual UW Awards of Excellence Ceremony.
Matt Barreto on CNN discussing the Latino vote, "'Tequila Party' aims to increase Latino voting bloc,"
Brian Greenhill, PhD in 2010 and now assistant professor at Dartmouth College, is a recipient of an honorable mention for the APSA's Mancur Olson Award. This award by the APSA Political Economy Section is for the best dissertation in political economy over the past two years.
Naomi Murkawa's book, "The First Civil Right: Race and the Rise of the Carceral State," has been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press.
Becca Thorpe's book, "The Warfare State: Perpetuating the U. S. Military Economy," has been accepted for publication by the University of Chicago Press.
Mary Anne Madeira has been selected as one of six UW Hanauer Graduate Fellows for 2011-12. The fellowship is aimed at fostering research about Western Civilization and helping to prepare teachers who have well-reasoned convictions about its place in the curriculum of liberal arts institutions.
Jon Mercer is a recipient of the 2011 UW Distinguished Teaching Award that recognizes excellence in teaching at the highest levels of the University.
Peter May, was recently awarded Honorable Mention for the UW's highest honor and recognition for distinguished graduate mentorship, the 2011 Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award. He holds the unprecedented honor of receiving Honorable Mention, no less than three times.
Victor Menaldo and colleague's work discussed in the Wall Street Journal
Victor Menaldo and colleague have the lead article for February 2011 American Political Science Review, "Do Natural Resources Fuel Authoritarianism? A Reappraisal of the Resource Curse"
Victor Menaldo in the Wall Street Journal, "Where Does Democracy Grow Best?"
Victor Menaldo cited on Bloomberg News, " Islam Blamers Ignore Mideast's Trouble Source"
Christopher Parker on cited on Politico web site, " Tea party affair could doom GOP"
Christopher Parker on NPR web site, " Tea Party Gains Wide Support Among Conservatives"
Christopher Parker interviewed for AlterNet site regarding Tea Party, "Rift in the Right: Many Conservatives Reject the Tea Party's Paranoid Views"
Becca Thorpe research cited in NYT by David Brooks
Aseem Prakash and Mary Kay Gugerty have been awarded the prize for the best article published in 2010 in the journal, Regulation and Governance. The award-winning article is "Trust but Verify? Voluntary Regulation Programs in the Nonprofit Sector", 4(1): 22-47.
Matt Barreto and Karam Dana (former UW PhD student) have written an op-ed for about their study of Muslim Americans, in response to the Congressional hearings tomorrow on radicalization of Muslims, sponsored by Peter King (R-NY). Their data show that mosques and religiosity may help Muslims integrate into the U.S. not become isolated.
Their study was also covered yesterday in the American Prospect and
Victor Menaldo in USA Today, "A democracy's best bet: Revolution first"
Professor Luis Fraga has been selected to deliver the UW's 2011 Samuel E. Kelly Distinguished Faculty Lecture. This annual lecture is named in honor of the University of Washington’s first Vice President of Minority Affairs and acknowledges the work of outstanding faculty focusing on diversity and social justice. Luis will be giving a lecture on the evening of Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 6:30 pm at the Jones Playhouse. Details will be forthcoming as the date nears.
Ellis Goldberg in Foreign Affairs, "Egyptian Businessmen Eye the Future"
Elllis Goldberg in Foreign Affairs, "Mubarakism Without Mubarak"
Brian Greenhill (UW PhD 2009), Assistant Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, has been awarded the Western Political Science Association's 2011 Best Dissertation Award.