UW Political Science Professors Christopher Adolph and Aseem Prakash along with PhD candidate Vanessa Quince authored an article for The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog. The article is titled “Do African exports to China hurt labor rights? Here’s what we found.” Adolph, Quince, and Prakash explore “how [China’s] growing economic power may also influence the labor and environmental practices of its trade partners,” particularly in Africa. They argue that the impact of African exports to China on African labor rights “depends on whether Africa’s exports to China supplant exports to countries with high labor rights.” Read the article to learn more about the relationship between exports to China and labor rights.
The article was published on The Washington Post website on March 3, 2017. The Monkey Cage is a blog that relies upon political science research “to make sense of the circus that is politics.” It was named 2010 Blog of the Year by The Week and a 2012 Best Blog by Time.