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Christopher Adolph is Professor of Political Science at the University of Washington, Seattle, where he is also Adjunct Professor of Statistics and a member of the core faculty of the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences. He was a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research at the University of Michigan and is a regular instructor in the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. He is the faculty lead for the COVID-19 State Policy Project, a team of political scientists and public health researchers at the University of Washington tracking and analyzing social distancing and mask policies across the U.S. states during 2020-2021.
Christopher Adolph is the author of Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Central Bank Politics: The Myth of Neutrality (Cambridge University Press), winner of the International Political Science Association's Charles H. Levine Prize for best contribution in comparative policy and administration. His research on comparative political economy, health policy, and quantitative methods has appeared in American Political Science Review, JAMA, The Lancet, Nature Medicine, Perspectives on Politics, Political Analysis, Social Science & Medicine, World Development, and other journals.
Selected Research
Yoshito Kawakatsu, Jonathan Mosser, Christopher Adolph, Peter Baffoe, Fatima Cheshi, Hirotsugu Aiga, David Watkins, and Kenneth Sherr. 2024. "High-Resolution Mapping of Essential Maternal and Child Health Service Coverage in Nigeria: A Machine Learning Approach." BMJ Open. 14: e080135.
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Thomas J. Bollyky, Emma Castro, et al [including Christopher Adolph]. 2023. "Assessing COVID-19 Pandemic Policies and Behaviours and their Economic and Educational Trade-offs across US States from Jan 1, 2020, to July 31, 2022: An Observational Analysis." The Lancet.
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Global Burden of Disease Long COVID Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman,Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Estimated Global Proportions of Individuals With Persistent Fatigue, Cognitive, and Respiratory Symptom Clusters Following Symptomatic COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021." JAMA.
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Yoshito Kawakatsu, Christopher Adolph, Jonathan Mosser, Peter Baffoe, Fatima Cheshi, Hirotsugu Aiga, David Watkins, and Kenneth Sherr. 2022. "Factors Consistently Associated with Utilization of Essential Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria: Analysis of Five Nigerian National Household Surveys (2003 to 2018)." BMJ Open. 12: e061747.
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- COVID-19 Cumulative Infection Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Estimating Global, Regional, and National Daily and Cumulative Infections with SARS-CoV-2 through Nov 14, 2021: A Statistical Analysis." The Lancet.
COVID-19 Excess Mortality Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Estimating Excess Mortality Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Analysis of COVID-19-Related Mortality, 2020-21.'' The Lancet.
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COVID-19 Forecasting Team [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Variation in the COVID-19 Infection–Fatality Ratio by Age, Time, and Geography during the Pre-Vaccine Era: A Systematic Analysis." The Lancet.
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COVID-19 National Preparedness Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2022. "Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19: An Exploratory Analysis of Infection and Fatality Rates, and Contextual Factors Associated with Preparedness in 177 Countries, from Jan 1, 2020, to Sept 30, 2021." The Lancet.
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COVID-19 Mental Disorders Collaborators [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, Carolyn Dapper, and Rebecca Walcott]. 2021. “Estimating the Global Prevalence and Burden of Depressive and Anxiety Disorders in 204 Countries and Territories in 2020 Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Lancet. 398(10312): 1700-1712.
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Christopher Adolph, Kenya Amano, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, Rachel Castellano, Megan Erickson, and John Wilkerson. 2021. “The Pandemic Policy U-Turn: Partisanship, Public Health, and Race in Decisions to Ease COVID-19 Social Distancing Policies in the United States.” Perspectives on Politics.
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- Christopher Adolph, Kenya Amano, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, Grace Reinke, and John Wilkerson. 2022. “Governor Partisanship Explains the Adoption of Statewide Mask Mandates in Response to COVID-19.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 21(1): 24-49.
- Christopher Adolph, Kenya Amano, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, and John Wilkerson. 2021. “Pandemic Politics: Timing State-Level Social Distancing Responses to COVID-19.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 46(2): 211–232.
- IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Team [including Christopher Adolph, Bree Bang-Jensen, Nancy Fullman, Beatrice Magistro, and Grace Reinke]. 2021. “Modeling COVID-19 Scenarios for the United States.” Nature Medicine. 27: 94–105.
- Prakash, Aseem, Nives Dolsak and Christopher Adolph. "Policy Design and Public Support for Carbon Tax: Evidence from a 2018 U.S. National Online Survey Experiment." Public Administration, 2020, 98(4): 905-921.
- Lanu Kim, Christopher Adolph, Jevin West, and Katherine Stovel. 2020. “The Influence of Changing Marginals on Measures of Inequality in Scholarly Citations: Evidence of Bias and a Resampling Correction.” Sociological Science. 7: 314–341.
- Christopher Adolph, Christian Breunig, and Chris Koski. 2020. “The Political Economy of Budget Trade-offs.” Journal of Public Policy. 40(1). March. 25–50.
- "Pandemic Politics: Timing State-Level Social Distancing Responses to COVID-19” 2020. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. (with Chris Adolph, Kenya Amato, Bree Bang-Jensen, and Nancy Fullman).
- Nives Dolšak, Christopher Adolph, and Aseem Prakash. "Policy Design and Public Support for Carbon Tax: Evidence from a 2018 U.S. National Online Survey Experiment." Wiley Online Library: Public Administration, First published: 04 February 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12657
- Ellen Alexandra Holtmaat, Christopher Adolph and Aseem Prakash. "The global diffusion of environmental clubs: how pressure from importing countries supports the chemical industry’s Responsible Care® program." Science Direct, 14 November 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104735
- Christopher Adolph. 2018. “The Missing Politics of Central Banks.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 51(4). October. 737-742.
- Christopher G. Kemp, Reed Sorensen, Nancy Puttkammer, Reynold Grand’Pierre, Jean Guy Honoré, Lauren Lipira, and Christopher Adolph. 2018. “Health Facility Readiness and Facility-Based Birth in Haiti: A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Linking Household and Facility Data.” Journal of Global Health: Reports. 2: e2018023.
- Christopher Adolph, Vanessa Quince, and Aseem Prakash. "The Shanghai Effect: Do Exports to China Affect Labor Practices in Africa?" World Development, vol. 89, 2017 January, pp. 1-18.
- Paula Lantz, Jeffrey Alexander, Christopher Adolph, and JoLynn Montgomery. “State Government Organization of Health Services, 1990-2009: Correlates and Consequences.” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, vol. 20, no. 2, 2014 March/April, pp. 160-167.
- Christopher Adolph. Bankers, Bureaucrats, and Central Bank Politics: The Myth of Neutrality. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- Margaret Levi, Christopher Adolph, Daniel Berliner, Aaron Erlich, Anne Greenleaf, Milli Lake, and Jennifer Noveck. “Aligning Rights and Interests: Why, When, and How to Uphold Labor Standards.” World Development Report 2013: Jobs Background Paper. Washington D.C., World Bank, 2012.
- Christopher Adolph, Scott L. Greer, and Elize Massard da Fonseca. “Allocation of Authority in European Health Policy.” Social Science and Medicine, vol 75, no. 9, 2012, pp. 1595–1603.
- Victor Shih, Christopher Adolph, and Mingxing Liu. 2012. “Getting Ahead in the Communist Party: Explaining the Advancement of Central Committee Members in China.” American Political Science Review 106(1): 166–187.
- Prakash, Aseem and Christopher Adolph. "Does the Economic Decline of the West and the Rise of China Encourage NGO Crackdown?" Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Forthcoming.
Courses Taught
CSSS 321/SOC 321/STAT 321: Case-Based Statistics (Course Website)
POLS 409/ECON 409: Political Economy of the Great Recession and its Aftermath (Course Website)
POLS 510/CSSS 510: Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences (Course Website)
CSSS 569: Visualizing Data (Course Website)
CSSS 594 / POLS 559: Time Series and Panel Data for the Social Sciences (Course Website)
Spring 2025
Spring 2021
Related News
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- The COVID-19 State Policy Project - December 31, 2020
- Prof. Christopher Adolph on Kaiser Health News site, "Trump’s Lame-Duck Status Leaves Governors to Wing It on COVID" - November 23, 2020
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