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Political Science Major

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Admission Requirements

Political Science is a minimum requirement major. Students who meet these minimum admission requirements when they apply to the major will be admitted (although students who are already in another major and are likely to have satisfactory progress issues may have additional application requirements and should meet with a Political Science adviser): 

  • Three political science introductory courses chosen from POL S 101, 201, 202, 203, 204 or approved equivalent. Students may apply when they have completed at least two intro courses and are enrolled in and attending the third course. If more than one course is in progress, consult with a Political Science adviser about when you are eligible to apply for the major.
  • Minimum grades of 2.0 in each political science introductory course used towards admission. Consult with a Political Science adviser if any of your grades are below 2.0.
  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.

Applying to the Major

Complete the online Political Science Major Application, due by the 2nd Sunday of each quarter. When the application system for each quarter is live, click on the link to access the application. Political Science admits students to the major each quarter. Students who miss this application deadline may apply for the next cycle.

  • Autumn 2024 Application   Deadline: Sunday, October 6
  • Winter 2025 Application: December 1 to January 19
  • Spring 2025 Application: March 1 to April 13
  • Summer 2025 Application: June 1 to July 6

Political Science is a minimum requirement major. Applicants will be notified by email about completing admission to the major soon after the application due date has passed.  Please make sure that your UW email address is being correctly forwarded and check your email filters if you have not heard from us by the 5th week of the quarter.

Key Dates: Admission to the Major and Orientation

  • Week 4: Political Science Advising notifies applicants about admission to the major. 
  • Week 5: "Welcome to the Major" email message sent to admitted students.
  • Week 6: Optional orientation on Zoom
  • To Meet with An Adviser: Make an appointment on our website.

Major Requirements

Students must complete at least 50 credits, 15 introductory plus 35 upper-level credits, with minimum grades of 2.0 in each course used to fulfill major requirements. 

Introductory Requirement: 3 courses (15 credits)

Complete three introductory courses, chosen from the following options: 
  Pol S 101, Introduction to Politics (not currently offered at UW)   
  Pol S 201, Introduction to Political Theory
  Pol S 202, Introduction to American Politics
  Pol S 203, Introduction to International Relations
  Pol S 204, Introduction to Comparative Politics

Major Distribution Requirement: 3 courses (15 Credits)

Complete one course numbered Pol S 210 and above chosen from three of the following five fields
  A. Political Theory
  B. Comparative Government and Politics
  C. International Relations
  D. American Government and Politics
  E. Methods

Major Elective Requirement: 4 courses (20 credits)

Complete four additional courses numbered Pol S 210 and above to bring total credits to 50. No field restrictions. Independent studies and internships (e.g., Pol S 489, 496, 498, 499) do not count toward the major. 5 credits of Pol S 497 will count toward the major.

Handout about the Major Including resources and programs for political science majors, a worksheet with requirements for the major and the options, and a list of courses and how they count for the Field Distribution requirement.

Minimum Major G.P.A. for Graduation

In order to graduate, students need a minimum cumulative major GPA of at least 2.25. If your cumulative political science GPA has dropped below 2.25, consult with a Political Science adviser.

Transfer Credit

If you attended a Washington State community college, see the Transfer Equivalency Guide to see how courses will transfer to UW. The Office of Admissions evaluates and awards transfer credit according to UW transfer policies. See a Political Science adviser if you have questions about how Admissions has evaluated your coursework taken at other schools.

International Security Option

The study of international security focuses on the relationship between politics and security, and specifically on the causes of war and the use and control of force: threats, promises, and the tactics, techniques, and ethics of violence. It teaches the theories and the historical context for understanding contemporary security issues.  

The International Security Option is for students interested in an in-depth study of international security. It is not an official major or minor or track but an optional program of study.  Students who elect to follow this option must satisfy both the 50 credits required for the general Political Science Major and the additional credits for the option requirements. Up to 25 credits may overlap between the Pol S major and the option.

No more than 20 credits can be used to satisfy both the option and the requirements for any other major.  Courses that are not in Pol S (courses offered by departments other than Pol S) fulfill only elective coursework towards the option, not major requirements. 

Apply for the option when you have completed at least 6 courses or when you apply to graduate. Students who complete the international security option will receive the notation Political Science: International Security on their UW transcript.

Subscribe to the International Security Listserv

Download the requirements and courses lists for the International Security Option:
International Security Option (PDF)

Political Economy Option

The study of political economy concentrates on the relationship between politics and economics. It involves the application of economic theory to the analysis of non market behavior and examination of the interplay between governmental and economic institutions. It teaches the use of theoretical tools for analyzing contemporary problems. To learn more, listen to the "What Is Political Economy?" podcast recorded by faculty in the Political Science and Economics Departments.

The Political Economy Option is for students interested in an in-depth study of political economy. It is not an official major or minor or track but an optional program of study.  Students who elect to follow this option must satisfy both the 50 credits required for the general Political Science Major and the additional credits for the option requirements.  Up to 25 credits may overlap between the Pol S major and the option.

No more than 20 credits can be used to satisfy both the option and the requirements for any other major.  Courses that are not in Pol S (courses offered by departments other than Pol S) fulfill only elective coursework towards the option, not major requirements.

Apply for the option when you have completed at least 6 courses or when you apply to graduate. Students who complete the political economy option will receive the notation Political Science: Political Economy on their UW transcript.

Download the requirements and courses lists from the Political Economy Option:
Political Economy Option (PDF)

Applying for Graduation

When to Apply

  • Quarterly Graduation Application Deadline: Third Friday of the quarter you intend to graduate. 
  • Graduating Senior Priority: Up to 2 quarters before your graduation quarter (for example, apply in autumn to graduate in spring). Quarterly deadlines are posted on UW's Academic Calendar
Double and Triple Majors: Apply to graduate with each of your majors. 

To apply for graduation with Political Science:

1) If your graduation is straightforward and you have no questions, email with the following information: 
  • Your Full Name as it is listed in your Student Record
  • UW NetID
  • UW Student #
  • Expected Graduation Quarter
  • Political Science Major That You Are Completing: General Major, Political Economy Option, or International Security Option
  • Other majors/degrees that you are completing. You must apply for graduation with each program.
  • Minors that you are completing, including if you need to add or drop a minor
  • Honors Programs: Departmental Honors and/or College/Interdisciplinary Honors

A Political Science adviser will contact you with instructions on how to complete submission of your application. In some cases, the adviser may need to meet with you before submitting the application.


2) If you need to talk with a Political Science adviser, make an appointment.

An appointment is recommended if you have questions or concerns about graduation that need to be discussed in more detail.


When you contact your adviser to apply for graduation, mention if you intend to complete a minor. If you are not already declared in that minor, your adviser will take care of that paperwork. If you are completing an interdisciplinary minor (Global Health, Diversity, Human Rights, etc.) you will need to see the adviser for that minor to complete your graduation application.

If you declared a minor that you do not intend to complete, your adviser will need to submit paperwork to drop you from the minor. Your degree will not be granted if minor requirements are not fulfilled.

Double Majors and Double Degrees

If you are pursuing a double major or double degree, apply to graduate with each department. 

Changing Your Graduation Date

If you would like to change your graduation quarter, contact Political Science Advising

Graduation Ceremonies

Political Science Convocation

The Political Science Convocation takes place during final exam week and celebrates students who graduated in summer, autumn and winter and who applied to graduate in the upcoming spring and summer. For information about the upcoming convocation, see the month of June on the Political Science Events Calendar.

UW Commencement

Students who graduated in summer, autumn, winter or applied to graduate in spring may participate in the UW Commencement. Students who graduate in the upcoming summer may participate if they apply for graduation by the third Friday of spring quarter. See the Commencement website for information.

NOTE: Participating in graduation ceremonies does not mean that you have graduated. Degrees are conferred only when all graduation requirements have been fulfilled.

Degree Posting and Receiving Your Diploma

Your transcript is the official document that confirms you earned your degree. Your degree will be posted to your transcript within four weeks of the end of your final quarter. If you did not restrict release of directory information, employers can use the UW Degree Verification website to verify conferral of your degree.

Your diploma will be mailed approximately three months after your final quarter at UW. For more information, see the Graduation, Commencement and Diplomas website. 
