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  • Civil Rights and the Making of the Modern American State
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  • Fault Lines book cover


Year Title People Involved Publication or Publisher Related Fields
2023 Whitman's Undemocratic Vistas Jack Turner III American Political Science Review African American, American Indian/Native American, American Political Development, Civil Rights, Ethics, Justice, Literature, Political Theory, Race and Ethnicity, Violence and Trauma
2019 World-Craving: Rahel Varnhagen, Daniel Paul Schreber, and the Strange Promise of Paranoia Noga Rotem SageJournals American Political Development, American Politics, Gender
2018 The Strange Fruit of American Political Development Megan Ming Francis Politics, Groups, and Identities American Political Development
2016 Thinking Historically Jack Turner III Theory & Event African American, American Political Development, Political Theory, Race and Ethnicity
2014 The American Warfare State: The Domestic Politics of Military Spending  Rebecca U. Thorpe University of Chicago Press American Political Development, American Politics
2014 Civil Rights and the Making of the Modern American State Megan Ming Francis Cambridge University Press African American, American Political Development, American Politics, Civil Rights, Law and Society, Legal Mobilization, Minority and Race Politics, Public Law, Race and Ethnicity, Social Movements
2012 Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America Jack Turner III University of Chicago Press African American, American Political Development, American Politics, Ethics, Justice, Literature, Minority and Race Politics, Political Communication, Political Theory, Race and Ethnicity
2011 The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of America Megan Ming Francis Souls American Political Development
1992 United States Defense Budgeting, Fiscal Policy, and Economic Performance Stephen J. Majeski Routledge American Political Development, American Politics, Political Science